
Water, Water, & No Water? The Drying up of the World’s Great Water Ways.  What Does it Mean?

Over the last several years there has been an increasing number of articles appearing in the news on the drying up and gradual disappearance of the world’s great rivers and reservoirs.  If water doesn’t soon come from the heavens, this drought will monumentally dwarf other issues we face combined.

Water, Water, & No Water? The Drying up of the World’s Great Water Ways.  What Does it Mean? Read More »

Ukraine and the Prophecies of War

Over the last year several years and more so just recently, Ukraine is again in the international crosshairs causing great consternation and grief. Several key questions must be asked? Why is it so important to the United States? And what can the U.S really do about it if Putin decides to invade Ukraine? What would the war look like and who would be involved? How far will it go into Europe with its repercussions?

Ukraine and the Prophecies of War Read More »