Messages to Janie Garza on the Family

screen-shot-2016-12-15-at-3-19-41-pmThe Roles Of The Husband, Wife, Children, And Priests
August 24,1993

St. Joseph: My little one, I, St. Joseph, ask that you prepare your heart and hear with your heart my words and my guidance for your family. I will speak to you about the virtues of a husband, the wife and children. Listen to my words and write them down, so that you may share what I tell you with others.

You asked what should a husband be to God and his family, and what are his responsibilities? Write what I tell you: God, Himself, assigned the husband as the head of his family. The husband is charged with complete responsibility over his family.

These are the virtues of a husband: that he is chaste, giving his love to no other woman but his wife. He must pray for purity, so that he remains pure in his thoughts and desires. He must be meek and pray for humility, so that he may be gentle and loving. He must pray for the virtue of obedience, so that he may persevere with love and faith in doing all that is required of him as a husband. These are the virtues that will assist the husband in his daily walk with God and with his family.

The husband has the responsibilities to his family that a priest has to his church. A priest is called to leave everything and to be one with God. A husband is called to be one with his wife. A priest takes his vows of chastity, poverty and obedience at the time when the Church ordains him; the husband takes the vows of purity, chastity and obedience at the time of his marriage. A priest is given responsibility over his Church: to pray and nurture his flock and to guide them closer to God. A husband must do the same with his family.

A husband must look towards God to send him His Holy Spirit for strength and guidance. He must pray for wisdom and discernment, in order that he may stay on God’s level path that leads towards Heaven. A husband should be gentle and loving. He should provide the necessary needs of his family. He must be loving and firm in the discipline of the children. A husband must look to God and to his family for strength and support.

Janie: The husband has a lot of responsibility!

St. Joseph: Yes, the husband plays the most important role in his family, for God looks to him to take care of his family, to love his wife with gentleness and tenderness and to be a model for his children, especially his sons. The role of the husband is to love his wife and his family like Christ loves the Church. The prayers and love of both husband and wife produce much yield in the lives of their children, for the children are the fruits of their love.

The role of the wife is to trust and submit to her husband, to assist him in his role as head of the family. She must love her husband with gentleness and tenderness, giving herself totally to him and no one
else. The wife must bring all decisions to the husband’s attention, so that together they decide what’s best for the family. The place of the wife is at home, to be there for her husband and her children. A wife must accept her role as a mother and wife. She must be humble, loving and gentle towards her family. A wife must pray, so that she may not be distracted from the role assigned to her by God. She must pray for strength, so that she won’t become bored with her responsibilities as a wife.

A wife’s most precious treasures, besides God, should be her family. She must treasure her husband’s love and stand by him at all times. Her love will give her husband strength. A wife is precious in God’s eyes. Through her love for God and her spouse she brings forth life, the birth of her children, God’s gift from Heaven, the fruit of their love. Wives are special to God; they are beautiful roses that blossom as they bring forth life. The virtues that a wife must pray for: purity, obedience and humility.

The role of the children is to be obedient to their parents and to follow the teaching of their parents. Children must remain pure and chaste, concentrating only on what pertains to them concerning their well-being. They must pray for wisdom and discernment in choosing their friends. They must assist their parents in daily responsibilities. They must study hard, putting their trust in God with their education. Children must pray for protection, asking Most Holy Mary to keep them under her motherly protection. Children must love and respect themselves, their parents and others.

Children must not be anxious with choosing careers, but they should pray and listen to what God is asking of them. They should remain chaste and pure and not fall into temptation with the opposite sex. Children must allow themselves to be children and not be anxious about growing up. Children should be joyful, enjoying their childhood and allowing the love and prayers of their parents to help them in their journey.

My little one, I have given you guidance to help you understand the role of the family. Trust in my intercession and pray for all families, so that through your prayers God will bless the families in the world. You have been entrusted with the mission of the family. Continue to trust Jesus and Most Holy Mary in all your prayers and sufferings. This will be a difficult school year for all children. Consecrate this school year to my intercession, and I will protect all children, for the temptations will be strong. The evil one will attempt to destroy many through drugs, fornication and unhealthy relationships. Pray for your children, pray for your children. A family must pray together every day and love one another.

Daily Family Prayer, At Least One Hour
November 12, 1993

St. Joseph: My child, write down what I, St. Joseph, tell you. Tonight, I want to talk to you about family prayer and its importance. Every family must dedicate at least one hour to praying together. The family should have an area designated for prayer time, where there are no distractions. Together, the family will begin to grow in virtue and in holiness, as they pray together. The family must decide for conversion and make Jesus Christ the center of their lives. All family members, young and old, must participate in daily family prayer.

Janie: St. Joseph, what prayers should a family pray together?

St. Joseph: Whatever needs they have as a family. Every family member must learn prayer of the heart, where the family abandons themselves totally to God. They must trust God and seek His mercy in their prayers. The family that includes the Rosary as part of their daily prayer, this family will receive graces and blessings in every aspect of their life. Through praying the family Rosary, conversion will begin to blossom in the hearts of the family members who are walking in darkness. Through praying the Rosary, God will send His peace and light. Hearts will be healed and love will be born in the hearts of the family. The Rosary is a prayer in which God invites us, through the Holy Spirit, to live the life and mystery of Jesus through the eyes of His Mother, Mary.

I, St. Joseph, ask you, my little one, to share this message. All families must pray the Rosary, trusting Most Holy Mary to guide them gently to her Son, Jesus, as they pray the Holy Rosary. My little one, invite all families, every one, to trust in the power of intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Invite all families to allow Most Holy Mary to teach them how to pray as a family, for she is the perfect example of prayer. She will be present to all who recite the Holy Rosary. As the family gathers for prayer, they must pray to the Holy Spirit to enlighten their hearts. My little one, to you, I, St. Joseph, extend my gratitude for your patience in writing down all that I share with you. I love you, my little one.

Janie: St. Joseph, I do have one question?

St. Joseph: Tell me, my little one, what is your question?

Janie: Why do you use the word ‘must’? Isn’t this a strong word?

St. Joseph: My little one, look at the darkness around you. These are troubled times. All must pray and beg for God’s mercy. All must be reconciled back to God. Prayer is the answer to this sinful world. Through prayer God sends His peace. Special graces and blessings are obtained through prayer. Now do you understand why I, St. Joseph, tell you that all must pray?

Janie: Yes, it is clear to me why it is a ‘must’ to pray. Thank you, beoved St. Joseph. Thank you.

St. Joseph: Thank you for your patience. God’s favor rests on you.

**The rest of this article can be found in the Winter 2016 magazine. Messages to Janie Garza can be found in Heaven’s Messages for the Family Volume II.
