Revelations to Sr. Rosemary Nneka Anumudu, O.P.
Father Jude Mbukanma O.P., a Dominican priest in Nigeria for over 40 years, is the editor of a newly published book in the United States. The book contains messages from the Blessed Mother to a nun on the importance of Eucharistic Adoration. The messages contained in this volume highlight the efficacious results and blessings upon the individuals who practice Adoration, a pathway to personal peace of soul for the devotee. In an age of noise and confusion, the book is a spiritual treasure.
Adoration: The Supreme Gift of this Time is a compilation of messages from the Blessed Mother to Sister Rosemary Anumudu, O.P., spanning a period of ten years (1996-2006). At the beginning, Sister Rosemary was a young postulant in a struggling new order of nuns founded by Father Jude called the Adoration Sisters. Located in Agbor, Nigeria, the nuns were dedicated to prayer and adoration of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.
Events began on February 23, 1996. Sister Rosemary, accompanied by another sister, was saying the Stations of the Cross when a “very sharp, bright, and beautiful light” descended from a cloud and a “very beautiful woman” appeared. In time, she would identify herself as Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament and also Mother of the Eucharist, among other titles.
The messages to Sister Rosemary correspond with and are consistent with the voice of Saint Thomas Aquinas, O.P. (1225-1274), who many consider the greatest theologian in the history of Catholic Church, when he said, “The Eucharist is the source and summit of the faith.” They also confirm the value that virtually all saints throughout the ages have placed on Eucharistic Adoration. Saint Tereasa of Calcutta once said, “If the world adored the Eucharist, abortion would end.” The Blessed Mother told Sister Rosemary, “My motherly presence to you calls for deeper knowledge of my Son’s real presence in His Divine Sacrament.” Father Jude reminds us, “The Eucharist is the Sacrament that surpasses all the other Sacraments precisely because it is the real presence of Christ, body, blood, soul and divinity.”
Revelations on Eucharistic Adoration
The Blessed Mother encouraged not only Sr. Rosemary, but also her Adoration Sisters and “all the friends of my Son” – you and me – to make sincere visits with Jesus, especially before Him truly present in the tabernacle. “There you tell Him all the fears and worries you couldn’t bear.”
“I am the Mother of the Eucharist. Where my Son is, there I am fully present; this became possible through my ‘yes’ at the very moment of the Incarnation, when I made possible the Word of the Father that came through in … my virginal womb. As a Mother, I am always with my Son.”
Mother Mary tells us, her children, through Sr. Rosemary that sincere adoration and a faithful Christian life invoke many promises, including:
- assistance in this life, strength and courage;
- healings in human souls and showers of graces and mercy;
- changed hearts, souls, families, church and the entire world;
- great consolation at the hour of death and hosts of accompanying angels;
- Jesus’ attention and response to the heart’s desire when sincere, just and humble;
- a last means to show Jesus’ love, care and mercy before the great hour about to come;
- a second, renewed and more wonderful earthly paradise for the world;
- a renewed church shining gloriously with a great light never known since the time of the Cenacle; and
- a great light pouring out upon whole the earth, which will mark the beginning of the New Era.
The Power of Eucharistic Adoration
Father Jude is an author and Professor of Ethics and Philosophy of Religion at the Dominican University, Ibadan. He explains the significance of the messages to Sister Rosemary:
“The gospel of John, chapter 6, presents us with a teaching on the Eucharist as a gift immensely superior to any gift God has for the human person. The church’s Eucharistic theology recognizes this truth and so focuses on the great importance of Eucharistic communion; little is said about Eucharistic Adoration, that is the worship of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. In the book, Adoration the Supreme Gift of this Time, the Blessed Virgin Mary teaches us that Eucharistic Adoration is the supreme gift of this time. It is the source of life, light and inspiration. At the hour of death, as a reward of the sincere adoration one did, hosts of angels are assigned by God to accompany one to paradise. We have in the entire revelation lessons to learn about Eucharistic communion and adoration.”
A Special Message for Priests
The Blessed Mother shared with Sister Rosemary that her priests are known by the perfume of sincere adoration.
“My priests love me; they love my Son, Jesus, and are ready to die for the sake of the kingdom. I am their Mother and mistress; for this, I reserve my most sweet and beautiful perfume in their heart which purifies their hearts when they fall into sin. They will in turn spread the same perfume to one another.”
“Mother, what type of perfume?”
She replied, “My child, it is the perfume of peace, love, joy, purity, humility, silence, contemplation, prayer, simplicity, [and] complete and perfect obedience unto the end. They acquire these easily through a sincere adoration of my Son, Jesus Christ, where He is truly present with His divinity in every tabernacle all over the earth.”
Mother Mary’s special message for priests tells us that she also offers to each of us the opportunity to acquire the perfume of sincere adoration.
Living the Message of Adoration
Today the Adoration Sisters have merged with the Dominican Order and are known as the Monastery of the Most Blessed Sacrament in Ilorin, Nigeria. They are a community of cloistered religious women dedicated to contemplative prayer through perpetual adoration of the Eucharistic Lord. They thus live a monastic way of life in the spirit of St. Dominic de Guzman.
Within the monastery they carry out active work to help support their main apostolate: lives of contemplation, adoration and intercession. They strive for silence and penance that allows the nuns to think about Jesus, listen to Him, study His word and pray ceaselessly to Him for the need of the church and the world. In short, they are living the message of Adoration.
The publication of Adoration: The Supreme Gift of this Time in the United States coincides with the Bishops’ Eucharistic Revival initiative. The goal of the initiative is to increase the presence of the Eucharistic Jesus in our Catholic souls that we may bring Him, and Mary, into our daily lives and those we encounter.
The USCCB’s strategic plan for the next three years will center on the theme “Created Anew by the Body and Blood of Christ, Source of Our Healing and Hope.” Our bishops’ plan prioritizes a National Eucharistic Revival with the overarching goal of renewing the Catholic Church by enkindling a living relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist.
What better way to go deeper into the Catholic Faith than to go deeper into adoration of Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament – the Supreme Gift of this time?
Prayer requests and inquiries may be made to the Monastery of the Most Blessed Sacrament via email: More information about the Monastery may be found at their website:
This book will make a wonderful gift for a soul who is receptive to deepening their faith through adoration.
This article can be found in our new magazine, Signs and Wonders Volume 34#3/4, Fall/Winter 2022. Become a member to receive this issue!