This Little Boy Just Found Out His Momma Is Having ANOTHER Baby and His Reaction Is Pretty Much The. Best. Ever.

Fort Lewis, Wash.-Learning you’re going to be a big brother or sister is a big deal. Shanee Gibson Hart recently posted the moment she announced her pregnancy to her son, Tré. The little boy had quite a bit to say when he found out about his future sibling.

“What were you thinking?” Why did you have to get another baby? You just had two,” he proclaimed.

He went on to say that it doesn’t make sense. He asks why he’s being replaced by the new addition. He doesn’t think his parents should sharetheir love with another child.

Shanee doesn’t know if she’s having a boy or a girl yet. But according to Tré, a boy’s cry is even worse than a girl’s cry. Tré says he will need earplugs in stock before the new family member arrives.