Since the election, we have seen a great part of the U.S. population become completely unhinged. With the billions of words written and spoken to date, it comes down to the simplest explanation for what happened. People who voted conservative were tired of being lied to by liberal and morally bankrupt personalities with social media platforms. Enough was finally enough. The manipulation and social engineering of speech hit a monstrous bump in the road. This time, they voted with their soul — the better judge of what is right or wrong.
The more academically elite the university, the more the vast majority of professors and students are lost souls. Harvard, Princeton, and other universities had safe spaces where parents paying upwards of $70,000 per year offered their students consolation by providing milk and cookies, coloring books, Lego stations, and days off from classes so they could emotionally regroup from the emotional trauma of a Trump win. Are these students being bred to lead a nation? The fact is, these “elite” schools have the greatest and most severe cases of infection for the woke virus across academia. Truth be told, they are really well-endowed hedge funds that protect capital to assure their survival feeding at the trough of the Federal Government largesse for their woke agenda. They knock the system that enables their privilege at the expense of others. Their tenured professors are off the charts on the liberal scale who donate to socialist and Marxists causes. It is estimated 90 plus percent of them vote democratic. Nary a conservative at the elite schools over the last twenty-five years have been welcome on campus, and tenure is near non-existent for anyone with a conservative ideology. This has been the petri dish of our ills. A child can be home schooled for twelve years, yet often, by their second year of college they forgot everything they learned and become brain washed under peer pressure from students and professors. Young minds are a delicate thing, and wanting to fit in and belong is a strong primal need. What may have started out to be democratic generations ago in western classrooms, is now a hard-core Marxist agenda right out Karl Marx’s of Das Capital and The Communist Manifesto, all taught and promoted under the lie of “protecting democracy.” The distortion and manipulation of language is key to their effectiveness.
Evil operates inside the administrative system of government. Lenin understood how to gradually take over from within when he said, “The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstone of taxation and inflation.” Once those means are exhausted, and a path is blocked, Marxist Communism’s own words say, “burn it down or blow-up existing structures to achieve goals.” Going forward, this must be understood by the Americans looking to rehabilitate institutions and structures that have been taken over for several generations with a godless leftist agenda. If you thought a lack of civility and foul language has become common place over the years, we are now at the dawn of a new era, where you could easily say, “You ain’t seen nothin yet.” Purging this from the culture will be a leviathan task because frustrations are so raw on both sides.
Now comes the hard and messy part.
The battle is just beginning. Sun Tzu, (544-496BC) recorded his thoughts in his perennial classic The Art of War. He wrote the most dominant issue in warfare is to “know your enemy.” It is the first recorded book on military tactics and has been used for millennia for strategy in war, sports, business, politics, and life.
The news cycle from now on will be a wild and an unexpected range of events and emotions on a daily basis. When you wake up tomorrow and the next day, don’t be surprised by anything. We haven’t seen significant (small scale skirmishes yes) turbulence in America since Abraham Lincoln was elected in 1860 under a country divided by slavery. The fight was heated in the 1850’s (and much earlier), but it was Lincoln who lit the match to the fuse that ignited the built-up resentment from both sides that had been building for so long. That was the fight of the north and the south or the blue and the gray. Now it is red state vs. blue state divided along party lines with only an estimated 7 battle ground states out of a total of 50.
When Lincoln began to mobilize troops to effectuate that change, father and son often fought on different sides (most often in the border states) in the U.S. Civil War. The American Revolutionary War officially started in 1775 and ended with the Treaty of Paris in 1783 with Britain recognizing U.S. sovereignty. From the end of the Revolutionary War to the first fighting in the Civil War was nearly eighty years. At the end of the Revolutionary War, John Adams said, “the last act of the American Revolution would be the abolishment of slavery.” The issue of slavery had been a festering boil for a long time before Fort Sumter when the canons went off. Hatred, bitterness, and emotions that come with profound ideological differences take decades to accumulate before shots are fired. History is replete with examples of this.
We have a similar situation today. The highly charged emotions leading to Fort Sumter in 1861 has existed now for several generations with the increasing reprobate, depravity, and corruption we have seen in our institutions. These institutions are so compromised they are on the very precipice of perdition due to the embedded base of people who control them. They have been routinely plundered and raped of any moral sensibility. There is euphoria among the Trump followers and conservative movement in general that an agenda with lofty goals is being articulated to turn this slide of filth around. This enthusiasm is understandable and admirable. It must be understood there are many more battles to fight before the war is won.
If history has taught us anything, people in power don’t give it up easily. The French Revolution and the Bolshevik Revolution are just two of the better-known battles for the culture where things got bloody. Indeed, I remember reading a story many years ago of the NFL owners negotiating with the NFL players union president by the name of Mr. Gene Upshaw. The union were not getting what they wanted, and the owner of the Washington Redskins at the time was Jack Kent Cooke (1912-1997). Cooke pulled Mr. Upshaw aside and told him he didn’t understand that people with power, authority, and great wealth don’t give it up easily. Wiser words were never spoken.
The Hidden Power in U.S Government Few Know About
We have three branches of government in the United States. Over the last fifty plus years you could add another rail called the Administrative State. This is made up of a group of unelected high-level bureaucrats scattered across government agencies. At the helm is a group of civil servants called the Senior Executive Service or more commonly known as SES’ers. Few outside of the beltway or government know of them and their inner machinations. It was created in 1978 by President Jimmy Carter, and called the Civil Service Reform Act. These are the people who stay in power no matter the administration and know the levers to pull to get things done or obstruct the process. They are in essence the people who run the Administrative State for governmental affairs, and they cannot be fired. In 1998, there were 6,846 SES personnel in government and that number has bloated to approximately 8,400 today. Someone from a previous administration under a Schedule C (presidential appointment) that wants to stay in government would often look for a more permanent SES position if they wanted a cushy lifestyle with a great deal of authority in any given agency. I have seen young government employees in their 20’s speak of pensions and their vacation days. Some will fight like cornered badgers using lawfare to keep these perks. They know how the system works, and they are expert at it. The barbarians are inside the gates, and putting people in positions of authority that understand the true extent of this fight, will be the determining factor if this can be cleansed in a reasonable amount of time. Turning dirty water through purification into clean water is an elaborate process.
Their tentacles also run deep in business, academia, news agencies, philanthropy, not-for -profit, pharma, NGO’s, and others, with the types of entities they fund.
Patronage and fidelity to an ideology place these people in power. Take a husband and wife serving under a president, and both get an SES job because they want to stay in Washington, D.C. for social, political, and professional reasons. Their vast and powerful network is now in Washington, so why move back home to Jackson, Mississippi? It’s not a bad payday with a great lifestyle—and they bend to the whims of the agenda of their political authorities to maintain all that has to offer. If it were the military, their equivalent would be called Flag Officers. This is the embedded base of Marxists that will fight Trump tooth and nail every step of the way behind the scenes, because they have so much to lose if Trump succeeds. These people are now known as the Deep State.
Cultural Marxism has deeply penetrated into our institutions with a virulent anti-God agenda. The president that perfected embedding like-minded ideologues in these positions and made it an art form was President Bill Clinton. Since then, the democrats have been adept at placing people in government at all levels, and over time, and they have steadily risen through the ranks to prominent positions. This is what President Trump and his administration will be fighting. His goals will be admirable, but these people will not capitulate easily. Under a Uni-party House of Representatives and Senate, that has shown little back bone in the past to tackle issues, we will see if any meaningful legislation is passed. We hope and pray for the best.
Once Trump is sworn in January 20, 2025, the battle begins. Overhauling generations of this foul mass of corruption will not be an easy task. Turning an aircraft carrier around in a small harbor takes great skill. Believers cannot let their guard down.
Call to Action
The fight is just beginning, as prayer and fasting must accompany the cause on a continuing basis to see justice prevail, for what is best for our families and the country. We must be vigilant and stay engaged. Our lives depend on it. As St. Paul said, “We fight not against men, but spiritual wickedness and principalities in high places.”
The remedy is holy families, prayer, sacrifice, and frequently receiving the sacraments. The change in the world begins when we change ourselves. Personal responsibility breeds family harmony, thus national peace. “Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.”