Pray and Fast for America 2021

There is a great battle between Christ and Satan happening in the world right now.

…And the Church and our Nation need you.

Many current events have brought the world to its knees in despair. But few understand these issues hold a deeper spiritual meaning. Now more than ever the world needs the guidance of the Church and her laity, and Heaven needs you to evangelize.

You are aware of many current events happening in the world now, but do you understand them from a Christian perspective? Where can you turn for deeper spiritual understanding of current events, and faith-filled explanations for these dark times?

Pray and Fast for America 2021 equips you for the spiritual battle at our doorstep. Whereas many media and website groups aim to stir up and sensationalize current events for profit, our goal is to equip the Church Militant with knowledge and understanding of the supernatural weapons to destroy evil in our own lives, our family, and our Nation!

Pray and Fast for America 2021 is launching a new 54-day campaign for Lent – February 17th (Ash Wednesday) through April 11th (Divine Mercy Sunday). Please get ready to sign up online by February 16th! You will see the new homepage, instructions, and an interactive map! Our Lady needs you to be part of Her Army to help Her Son!

Mark 9:29. Certain evil spirits can only be driven out by prayer and fasting.

Heaven has shown us that we are dealing with spiritual warfare and a battle for the soul of America, and our families and our country are at stake. The battle is not over, and we need to continue this fight and mobilize and equip the people and leaders we have met over the past several years.

This year 2021 we have planned to take this fasting and prayer to another level. We have spoken with many exorcist priests and they have encouraged us to continue to pray and fast for America and to get people to commit to the following:

Commit to pray and fast for our country, our leaders, our churches, and our families on a weekly basis. 

To ask people to start also praying the spiritual warfare prayers daily. A great book that we have given to many people is, Deliverance Prayers for Use by the Laity.

To foster Eucharistic Adoration throughout the United States, including processions and Holy Hours.

To work with Parishes and Prayer groups to push for Consecration to Our Lord and His Blessed Mother. We will provide materials for people to read and promote.

To promote the Recitation of the Rosary in parishes, prayer groups, and public places including state capitols.

To promote the Divine Mercy Devotion and recitation of the Divine Mercy Chaplet daily.

To offer a Novena of Masses monthly in every state praying for protection and healing of our country, its leaders, and our families.

To offer the Novena to St. Joseph in March and to pray the Litany to St. Joseph regularly.

Watch for our 7 Steps for Restoration of America on our newly updated website