Now Available! An Introduction to The Great Transformation

Great Transformation coverWe often hear the phrase, “God has a plan.”  There is no question that is true, but discerning that plan, and coming to terms with “that plan” in our life is often very difficult. Things are not always as obvious as we would like them to be when we are in the midst of personal turmoil. Due to the mysteries of life, we don’t always seem to understand what the Lord’s plan actually is for us. A scripture is often recommended to people in times of stress—“All things work together for the good of those who love God” (Romans 8:28). Again, when a person is experiencing a difficult situation, that may bring some comfort, but answers are not always satisfactory when we have a troubled heart. Surrender to the Divine Will is the only solution as not much else makes sense. We must realize that God is in complete control and His plan for the salvation of mankind is always active.

Diabolical Disorientation

We are watching a world in free fall morally, culturally, economically, and politically. Not just in the United States, but around the world. Man’s disordered affections has created a world in “diabolical disorientation” as Sister Lucia of Fatima once said. Moral relativism has consumed and dominated our culture. People are confused and don’t know where to turn. Little is working as designed, the safety net that used to provide some security is bursting, and the collapse of all that we have worked towards in the past is not just eroding, but so badly broken chaos is near on an unimaginable scale. We feel it in our spirits, and no matter our profession, social strata, income, education, or neighborhood, we see it in the daily news. This fear is the reason for our anxiety—and it is readily apparent. This fear is altering our lifestyle, and how we conduct our affairs. We know something is very wrong as the world is unraveling in nearly every social category.

Man has run out of answers trying to live without God, and people seem to be realizing it in greater numbers. As the babushka was asked in the Moscow streets after the October Revolution of 1917 how it all happened, her three-word response said it all, “We forgot God.” Our problems as a family, and a nation, are not political, they are moral. We have made bad choices that have allowed us to be in the situation we find ourselves. We have sought the answers in all of the wrong places. Since the data from just about everywhere supports this, it begs the question, “Where are we headed? What precisely are we to do?” The answers to those questions is not a neatly bundled package because the problems are so enormous, but we have historical and Scriptural precedents heaven takes care of their own—if we trust. This subject is a very large element of the content of this book. Heaven has given us clear prescriptions of how to live in difficult circumstances, and still maintain our composure and peace no matter the circumstances around us. Knowing and trusting in God’s plan will sustain us. In the future we will either be “in or out” of the civil system. We must come to see this as a reality.

Time to Make a Choice

In times of stress there are only several actions to take. Retreat, take the offensive, or seek God’s mind. After September 11, 2001, and the attacks on the Pentagon and the Twin Towers, people had two natural reactions. One group of people immediately tooled and prepped for war. This is what America has been doing now for many years, and in the process has been a large contributing factor to bankrupting the country and causing more problems in the world. Another group of people asked another question seldom if ever addressed in public policy circles, “What did we do to allow this?” This is much more of the Scriptural response, and the people who asked that question were believers. The hard question must be asked, “Why did this happen?” It is the Lord who puts a “protective hedge” when He blesses a nation due to obedience, and Scripture is clear, He also takes it down due to disobedience. But, because we are now a nation Scripturally illiterate, or see the bible as fairy tales, an unbeliever will not see this historical reality.

There are several immutable truths. God never abandons His people, and the Lord gives clear guidelines to His people. He always provides answers for His people to what ails them. As always, obedience is the key to the heart of God. To those who seek His will and trust, He gives consolation and hope. But, we cannot find the answers to those questions until we seek His ways. There is a quote from Pope Saint Felix III, “Not to oppose error is to approve it, and not to defend truth is to suppress it, and, indeed, to neglect to confound evil men—when we can do it—is no less a sin to encourage them.” We are in the moral quagmire we are in because we have remained silent when we needed to speak up. It is clear we have a moral obligation to speak the truth even if we are a minority. God plus one is a majority.

Achieving Peace of Soul

Because we have dug a hole so deep, heaven in their Devine Mercy will give mankind a last chance for repentance on a scale never known since the dawn of creation. The Lord told Sister Faustina we are now living in the Age of Divine Mercy. Here is the great Hope for mankind. It appears events are right around the corner that will be ultimate acts of mercy. We have been told in detail what they will be, and where they will take place. We have not been told exactly when, but we know we are getting close to that day.

This book is not the book of a political pundit just defining the problems. There is a heavy emphasis on very precise practical solutions for finding answers to achieve peace of soul in troubled times. All we need to do is stick to the fundamentals of the faith and we will be fine. No matter the circumstances for individuals and their families, heaven has given us the necessary tools we need for the journey. The solutions are not esoteric, but are very achievable as ordained by the Lord. They are tried and tested over millennia. They are eternal truths that don’t budge for anyone or anything—ever.

The Lord didn’t come to just define the problems of mankind, He came to redeem man and provide solutions to our fallen state, that man could live as he was destined to live under the Lord’s authority, peace, and prosperity.

In all times there are people who seek the Lord, and those who don’t. So from the outset in life, we have two groups of people. There are always those who seek His will, and those who are not really concerned with that thought. Good versus evil, Godly versus ungodly, Satan’s cohort battling heaven’s cohort. There are those in the know, and those who are not. As in the days of Noah, many will soon be pounding on doors as they did in Noah’s time when it started to rain. There is still time to spiritually prepare, but for many who do not follow what the Lord is asking of them now, it will soon be too late to convert. The Blessed Mother has told us so. If the voices of the prophets are correct, there will be sea change events coming our way, and the world will be purified of its sin. We can hear the hoof beats now. Soon they will be deafening. The battle at dining room tables even by the best and most devout families and friends will be on a variety of serious subjects. There will be division. But, we have been told what to do and how to act to avoid these heated conflicts to maintain family unity and harmony. The guesswork has been eliminated if we follow His plan. We have been given a precise prescription for Peace of Soul in These Troubled Times of The Great Transformation.

A Confluence of Events

We can expect some major events in the near future if what is prophesied comes true. There will be unprecedented acts where the Blessed Mother, the Lord’s emissary for our age has said, “it will be the greatest miracle in the history of the world,” and she calls those now in the vineyard, “the apostles of the last times.” True to Scripture and tradition, there are many who know what to expect, and a deep majority who have not taken the time as it concerns the Lord’s plan for the salvation of mankind. We can expect some dramatic events called The Warning and The Miracle that will alter history itself. These events have never happened in all of time and they will be spectacular. That is how great God’s mercy is for all mankind. God’s mercy is meeting the evil of the world on another dimension. “Where sin abounds, grace abounds all the more” (Romans 5:20).

These events will be the precursor to the New Jerusalem, the New Pentecost, the New Era, the Era of Peace, and the New Times that await us. Or as Saint John Paul II said, “The New Springtime.” All of the major apparition sites like Fatima and others speak precisely of our time being monumental.

We have been assured by the Lord Himself the gates of hell will never prevail against His Church. History has been cruel in the past and it may be cruel again. It has been our sin that has separated us from God (Isaiah 59:2), not an angry God punishing us. There are harsh repercussions to sin, the same way there are pleasant repercussions to virtuous living. It is our choice on a daily basis, and as a world we have turned our back on God. Our ease and comfort has caused a sloth of faith.

Jesus told Saint Faustina, we are living in the Age of Divine Mercy, and if one’s sins are as scarlet, they can be washed away as white as snow with true repentance. Not one soul is beyond the Lord’s mercy. As the Lord told the apostles, “Fear not, it is I.

Ted Flynn

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