For your discernment: Message to Darrell Bennett from 2000 regarding gay marriage in America

May 1, 2000

Kenner, LA

In the days to come, there will be much that the world will witness; in particular the Church, and this land which is our particular inheritance.  Much will be struck.

The last of the nails in the coffin of this land will take place when the right of same sexes to be joined is embraced on an equal basis with the sacrament of marriage.

God will tolerate no more! And for the good of His people, from one coast to the other, from north to south, this land shall be shaken.  Some parts will remain, others shall not.  The faith shall! In the hearts of the people it shall be preserved.

Any nation, any society, that embraces the abominations that this one has, has never remained in existence throughout the history of humanity and this country shall not be the first.  Changed it shall be, greater than its present or its past has been.  Because the nation that unfolds in the years to come shall be one truly in which God is at its heart, for truly it will be even as with the children of Fatima, when the Angel of Peace came to them, before Our Lady did, and knelt before the presence of God, because the angel held the chalice and the Host was suspended above it.  This is where the peace of the people is.  It is for those baptized into the one Body of Christ that the gift of peace was given to mankind.  And it IS when every knee shall bend in the presence of our God that there shall be peace.  Until then, the Lord tills the soil and turns it over and over until the faithful grow into that one body.  And till the land the Lord shall.

That you shall know, New York shall be no more when this is said and done.  California from Los Angeles to San Francisco shall perish.  The land here shall take a beating, but the faith be preserved.  And as I uttered before, it shall be through the blood shed by you and your friends that the priesthood, the ministerial priesthood of the Church shall be preserved in a particular way in this land.  And great is the glory to God; great is the witness of the people here.

That you may know how long the persecution shall last.  From the time our Holy Father is taken from us to be with Our Lady, forty months shall pass before the Triumph of Our Lady is realized in the world.  That Triumph shall take place under this pope, but to be realized fully in the world, forty months shall pass.

God bless you, one and all.