I Am The Mother of Mercy

“There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen.” – Vladimir Lenin, Russian Communist

We have reached a point of a near lack of any civility toward those with opposing opinions from our own. It is uncertainty that breeds anxiety, and at the moment we have a heavy dose of uncertainty in the state, the Church, the family and the culture. When a man masquerades as a woman and calls himself a woman, and the Church and the state accept it, the culture has reached a new level of depravity. Tensions are high, and people are going to become more frayed in the coming months and years as we watch the demise of institutions that have worked reliably for a long time. Albeit, not perfect, but they functioned and served an intended purpose.

As we approach the coming presidential election of 2020, both ideological sides are firmly dug in. Neither party will concede an inch to the other, and that is a recipe for civil unrest that could soon explode. One in three people feel a civil war is in our future. In addition, a recent poll says people are the most unhappy they have been in over fifty years. Gun sales have never been so brisk at nearly two million a month since Covid 19 hit.

The recent U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) decision (June 12, 2020) on LGBT and transgender rights is a further erosion of morals legislation and the Judeo Christian heritage in the United States. It is very rare indeed to find a liberal justice go with a conservative decision on morals, but it is often the GOP court appointed judges swinging to the left. That itself is another topic on how and why this happens.

There will be a renewed and venomous assault on Christian values with backing from this SCOTUS decision. Liberals filing law-suits will soon explode. It will be relentless and formidable, and will further marginalize believers in all society. The ramification of this decision is another ugly chapter of American decline.

This is another extension of the June 26, 2003 United States Supreme Court decision of Lawrence v. Texas that ruled American laws prohibiting private homosexual sodomy laws between consenting adults are unconstitutional. Justice Antonin Scalia said “this was the end of morals legislation in America.” He was proven right.

What is the path forward for believers? How are we to navigate the shoals of a society that is moving to darkness? Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world.” (John 18:36) A devout believer lives in a parallel universe from someone with no faith perspective. As believers, we can defy and suspend the laws of nature itself due to prayer. Heaven has given us the prescription for peace in troubled times, and at this point, we better jump on board and take prayer and quiet times more seriously if we are to keep our sanity. The tension in the air is palpable everywhere, and we need to apply spiritual principles we know to be true that work for peace of heart, mind, and soul. If we let others take our peace away, it is often our fault. Stress is a normal human emotion, but letting interior peace dissolve is something we can take control through spiritual disciplines.

I Am the Mother of Mercy

Many believers are presently paralyzed with fear due to recent world events. The single most common lament I hear believers say is they don’t know what to do. Questions are asked, “What am I to do? What is my role in these times? Do I take to the streets like Black Lives Matter and shout the gospel? I feel like nothing I do matters, so why bother? Do I shrivel up and just let the drama play out? There is a wide range of emotions about the times in which we live, so people are asking where to turn to for the peace the Lord promises.

No one has done a better job at giving us a soothing balm for our path forward than the Marian Movement of Priests (MMP) from the messages of the Blessed Mother to Father Stefano Gobbi of Italy. Father Stefano Gobbi, founder of the Marian Movement of Priests, was pressured from Vatican Cardinals to say his messages were only his reflections and/or personal meditations. It was a way to discredit him before the general public and fellow priests to take away the supernatural nature of his locutions. Father Gobbi would never say, even at his death, they were his own imaginations. The messages of MMP are a light in times of dense darkness in the world and to the Church. The messages of the MMP reflect the spirit of the age, and how people of God should spiritually respond.

In the last several months Archbishop Carlos Vigano has spoken openly about the “deep church” and the insidious role of Freemasonry in the hierarchy having an agenda for a One World Church, and One World government. This is a herculean battle of the destiny of the Church going forward into the 21st Century. The Deep Church is the ecclesiastical version of the political Deep State and its entrenched bureaucracy. The Deep Church is at war with the people of God.

Archbishop Vigano and his recent writings are a breath of fresh air. People have been starving for a leading person in the Church to speak the unadulterated truth. The movement to discredit Father Gobbi was successful to some extent, but not with the sensus fidelium that are on sure footing with the authenticity of the Blessed Mothers messages to the world. Those that are Consecrated to the Immaculate Heart know what is true, and what is not. An individual consecrated and living the messages has a hedge of protection around them, and are secure they are under the Blessed Mother’s mantle.

The weak from the strong are being filtered like the wheat from the chaff. Small communities is the next step for the faithful to congregate. House churches and small gatherings is where we may end up. We will see a remnant of approximately 3% stay in fidelity to Magisterial teachings in the coming years. We are seeing signs of this with Covid-19 as many people are not returning to church at all. As hardship increase, many on the margins of orthodoxy will abandon practicing faith altogether. Those that do not understand the Divine Plan, will question God during this trial and fall away as well. The Consecrated Soul sees this for what it is, and will endure the trial with much greater fortitude.

Below is a very succinct and cogent solution for a person struggling to find their place in the mystical body of Christ, and to feel assured they are on the right path going forward. The words are from the Blessed Mother concerning this exact point in history. Topics addressed are specific to dealing events and trials of our time. She is saying, here is my prescription for peace of soul. The Blessed Mother speaks below:

Rely on Me Alone

#37, February 10, 1974

Rely only on me and not on human means; entrust yourself only to me. There is one thing that you can always do, and which is the only thing I want you to do at each moment, because it is so useful to me for the Movement: your prayer, your suffering, your trust in me.

This is what I ask of you: that you let yourself instead be divested of all other preoccupations. This is not one of many movements, it is my Movement, my son. So then let me act!

…But I want the priests of my movement to be mine alone.

If they do not accustom themselves now to seek me alone, to listen to me alone, and to entrust themselves to me alone, how are they going to find me at the moment of the great tempest when everything will be plunged into darkness? Let them accustom themselves as of now to see me as the light of their very action!”

Over the last several years those following the messages of the Blessed Mother are aware that embedded in the Third Secret of Fatima is the apostasy of faith. One does not need to look far to observe the free fall of morals and doctrine over the last generation. It has also greatly accelerated in just the last few years. Part of the confusion and anxiety people feel is the loss of a stable structure that has carried them forward in previous history. There are severe cracks in the foundation with doctrine that has never been questioned for two thousand years is now in question from leading clergy and hierarchy. In addition, the public disagreements among hierarchy is a central message of Akita, Japan. It is the Woman Clothed with the Sun of Revelation 12, speaking to the Marian Movement of Priests that provided the solutions for the ills of the world.

The Pope of My Secret

#449, May 13, 1991

“…When this Pope will have completed his task which Jesus has entrusted to him, and I will come down from Heaven to receive his sacrifice, all of you will be cloaked in a dense darkness of apostasy, which will then become general.

There will remain faithful only that little remnant which, in these years, by accepting my motherly invitation, has let itself be enfolded in the secure refuge of my Immaculate Heart. And it will be this little faithful remnant, prepared and formed by me, that will have the task of receiving Christ, who will return to you in glory, bringing about in this way the beginning of the new era which awaits you.”

This is in reference to Pope John Paul II who was a strong supporter of the Marian Movement of Priests.

All has been Revealed to You

#604, December 31, 1997

After twenty-five years of public messages, this was the last public one ever given.

“…In order to give the suffering and crucified Church of your time my motherly help and a safe refuge, I have brought the Marian Movement of Priests into being and have spread it through every part of the world by means of my book, which traces out for you the road along which you must journey in order to spread my light.

With this book, I teach you to live the Consecration to my Immaculate Heart with the simplicity of children, in a spirit of humility, of poverty, of trust and filial abandonment.

I have now been guiding you for twenty-five years, with the words that I have spoken to the heart of this, my little son, whom I have chosen as an instrument for the realization of my maternal plan. During these years I myself have carried him several times to every part of the world, and he has allowed himself to be led with docility, small and fearful but totally abandoned to me. Like a baby in the arms of its Mother.

As of now, all that I had to say to you has been said, because all has been revealed to you. Therefore, on this night, there comes to and end the public messages, which I have been giving you for twenty-five years; now you must meditate on them, live them and put them into practice.

Then the words which I have caused to come down from my Immaculate Heart, as drops of heavenly dew upon the desert of your life, so threatened by snares, will produce fruits of grace and holiness.

From now on, I will manifest myself through the word, the person and the action of this, my little son, whom I have chosen to be your guide and whom I am now leading to the painful summit of the mission…

I have revealed to you the full and entire truth…”

“…I invite you to repeat often in the cenacle, the prayer that I have asked of you: Come, Holy Spirit, come by means of the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your well beloved Spouse.”

You will have Them Walk Toward Me

#379, August 23, 1975

“For my Movement of Priests, I will manifest myself through you; you are the instrument chosen by me for this mission. This must be understood by everyone in order to avoid any confusion whatsoever with which my adversary will attempt to obscure my work. Those who will accept it through you will receive the gift of my most pure light…”  

The Task Entrusted to the Church

#337, October 27, 1986

“…it is necessary that all men come to a knowledge of the truth to accept and to follow the Gospel of Jesus.

This is the task entrusted to the Church.

That is what her ministers, her consecrated ones and all her faithful must do today: with the courage of martyrs and the strength of confessors of the faith, there is need to announce to the whole world the good news that Jesus Christ alone is your Savior and your Redeemer.

Only Jesus Christ can bring you to Peace.

…The attempt to bring together all religions, even those which adore false and lying gods, with the prospect of forming a world-wide religious union for the defense of human values, is vain, dangerous and not in conformity with the desire of my Immaculate Heart. It can on the contrary lead to an increase in confusion, to religious indifference and even make the attainment of true peace more difficult.”

Be Joyous

#83, October 18, 1975

“…My adversary will one day think that he is celebrating a complete victory: over the world, over the Church, over souls.

It will be only then that I will intervene –terrible and victorious—that his defeat may be all the greater when he is certain in his conviction that he has conquered once and for all.

What is in preparation is so extraordinary that its like has never happened since the creation of the world. That is why everything has already been predicted in the Bible.

…First of all, it is necessary that my enemy have the impression of having conquered everything, of having everything in his hands…

Be serene: be joyful!!

This is not the end of my Church: what is in preparation is the beginning of its total and marvelous renewal!!”

There is tremendous hope in this message. The Lord never abandons His people, and the Scriptures are clear that the gates of Hell will never sink the Church. No matter how small the remnant, the Lord is faithful to those faithful to Him. That is the story of the Bible, whether it be about the 1% who fought with Gideon after being winnowed, just twelve apostles changing the world, or Saints Francis, Dominic and Ignatius as men starting world-wide movements in the dark ages of the Church on a vision and a prayer. God plus one is a majority, and we are called to be joyous at all times spreading the Gospel. The Gospel means the Good News. The Lord knows our situation, and He had difficult times when He walked the earth with people not believing His message either. Jesus said, “If the world hates you, know that it hated Me before it hated you.” (John 15:18)

The Awareness of the Consecrated Soul – A Soul of Faith

A person with a consecrated soul to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and Sacred Heart has a heightened sense of spiritual awareness far beyond the person who has no faith. This is the yeast of goodness which brings an elevated sense of awareness with a deeper understanding of the times in which we live, and how we are to respond to the world around us, as God would ask. The physical world is subordinate to the spiritual realm.

The person of faith sees the effects of sin in the culture, and where it brings us through spiritual eyes, rather than just the eyes of intellectual reason. This is because they see more of God’s plan in the redemptive process of mankind. A person who lacks faith is blind to this reality. Therefore, they have a humanistic view, which lacks clarity to the wider circumstances of life.

It is the person of deep faith or a consecrated soul that will understand more of these messages than one not consecrated. To the soul lacking spiritual formation, these messages are folly, and the hobgoblin of small minds. There is less fear and anxiety in a believer’s life, because of the grace from consecration. Peace of soul is seeing God in all things, and dealing with the outcome.

The Prayer from the Blessed Mother to Cure Our Ills

There is nothing as effective as prayer to calm the nerves. It is the single most important part of our day to maintain a spiritual equilibrium balanced against the chaos surrounding us. The prayer of the rosary given to us is time tested as an exorcism prayer. Multiple hundreds of saints and scholars have recognized it as the prayer given from Heaven.

On the Feast of the Most Holy Rosary, October 7, 1979, at Lourdes, France, the Blessed Mother gave to the Marian Movement of Priests a message titled, Your Rosary. It reads,

“…By this prayer, you offer your heavenly Mother a powerful force in intervening for the salvation of many of my poor straying children and in disposing the painful events of your time according to the motherly plan of my Immaculate Heart.

Your entire rosary, which you recite in the cenacle in accordance with the urgent request of your Mother, it is like an immense chain of love and salvation with which you are able to encircle persons and situations, and even to influence all the events of your time.

Continue to recite it, and multiply your cenacles of prayer, thus responding to the invitation which the first of my beloved sons, the Vicar of Jesus, has so urgently made to you.

If I am now able to make use of the power that comes to me from your prayer and I want to intervene as a Mother to shorten the time of the trial and to comfort you in the sufferings which await you.

Everything can still be changed if you, my children, listen to my voice and unite yourselves, through prayer, with the unceasing intercession of your heavenly Mother.

For this reason, here, where I appear as the Immaculate One, I ask you again to continue with greater generosity and perseverance in the recitation of the holy rosary.

The rosary is the prayer which I myself came down from heaven to ask of you.

By it you are able to lay bare the plots of my Adversary; you escape from many of his deceits; you defend yourselves from many dangers which he puts in your way; it preserves you from evil and bring you ever close to me, because I am able to be truly your guide and your protection.

As has already happened in other critical situations, so also today, the Church will be defended and saved… through the power which comes to me from me to you, my little children, by means of the frequent recitation of the holy rosary.

Take courage, beloved children! Pray, have confidence and enter into the refuge of my Immaculate Heart, that you may form part of my victorious cohort.

This is my hour and soon the whole Church will be brought to a new splendor by her whom you invoke as Queen of Victories.”

Heaven has given us the prayer for peace of soul, yet few do it as instructed. Countless hours are spent in restaurants, coffee shops, and iPhones discussing the plight of our times, but very few provide solutions.

A Glorious Future Awaits Us – The Hope

In message 546 (D-I) to the Marian Movement of Priests, on the Feast of the Solemnity of Pentecost, Our Lady says:

Tongues of fire will bring heat and life to a humanity which has now become cold from egoism and hatred, from violence and wars. Thus the parched earth will be opened to the breath of the Spirit of God, which will transform it into a new and wondrous garden in which the Most Holy Trinity will make its permanent dwelling place among you.

Tongues of fire will enlighten and sanctify the Church, which is living through the dark hour of Calvary and being stricken in her pastors, wounded in the flock, abandoned and betrayed by her own, exposed to the impetuous wind of errors, pervaded with the loss of faith and apostasy. The divine fire of the Holy Spirit will heal her in every malady; will purify her of every stain and every infidelity; will clothe her again in new beauty; will cover her with his splendor, in such a way that she may be able to find again her unity and holiness, and will thus give to the world her full, universal and perfect witness to Jesus.

Tongues of fire will come down upon you all, my poor children, so ensnared and seduced by Satan and all the evil spirits, who, during these years, have attained their greatest triumph. And thus, you will be illuminated by this divine light, and you will see your own selves in the mirror of the truth and the holiness of God. It will be like a judgment in miniature, which will open the door of your heart to receive the great gift of divine mercy.

And then the Holy Spirit will work, the new miracle of universal transformation in the heart and the life of all sinners will be converted; the weak will find support; the sick will receive healing; those far away will return to the house of the Father, those separated and divided will attain full unity.

In this way, the miracle of the second Pentecost will take place. It will come with the triumph of my Immaculate Heart in the world.

“…the one who prays is not afraid of the future,

and the one who fasts is not afraid of evil…”

Our Lady Queen of Peace at Medjugorje – January 25, 2001


This article can be found in the Summer 2020 Newsletter. Become a member today to receive this issue!