To Hell in a Handbasket, Part XII

“Moonbeam, you mentioned that when you go hunting you find skeletal remains at times.”

“Oh yeah, man.  Once I even found a human skull.  The police figured it came from some hiker who probably got lost and fell off a cliff down into the river.  They never found the rest of the skeleton.  Probably the animals got to it.”

“Was it male or female?  What color were his or her eyes, hair, and complexion?”

“How in the Sam Hill do I know?  It was just a bare bone skull.”

“Couldn’t a police artist just draw the person to whom the skull belonged?”

“You know Conti, sometimes I think you are not playing with all your marbles.  The only way those morgue guys like on CSI could know who the person was and what they looked like would be from a sample of their DNA.  They could then cross-match it with missing persons and then maybe, a big maybe, they could find out who the missing person was and then obtain a photo of that person from the next of kin.”

“Oh, so a forensic pathologist just couldn’t have someone draw who the person was, just by looking at their skull?”

“Don’t you watch any of those TV shows on this stuff?  No one can just look at a skull and draw the person it belonged to.”

“Are you sure, Moonbeam?”

“Uh oh, I smell something coming in that question.”

“Have you ever heard of Lucy?”

“Was she the one who fell off the cliff?”

“No, she died @2.5 million years ago according to evolutionary archeologists.  They found only about 40% of the skeletal remains and crushed pieces of skull.  The Latin name (to sound im-potent) is Australopithecus afarensis, which translated into English means Southern APE!  She was about 3 feet tall.”

“How do they know it was a “she”, Conti?”

“You tell me, Moonbeam.  There are hundreds of models and drawings of this creature.  No two are alike.  No hand, no wrist, no feet, and no ankle bones were ever found.  Yet the models they create and the pictures they draw all have human hands and feet on them.  The body has been created to look ape-like with, generally, a lot of hair.  Sometimes the eyes are drawn with white sclera, like a human.”

“Whoa, stop the train.  Only humans have white eyeball stuff!  There is no animal I know of with white eyeball stuff.  There is no way anyone could know anything about the eyes!”

“You’re right, Moonbeam.  Only humans have white sclera.  But if your goal is to make an ape more human-like, aren’t you going to draw the sclera in as white?”

“Three feet tall and no bones found for the hands and feet?  Besides there is no way they could know anything about what the eyes, nose, mouth, ears, hair, muscle build, skin color – or anything looked like about this Lucy, or any person for that matter.  Sure sounds like a monkey to me, man.  And, why choose the name Lucy?”

“In 1974, the anthropologists Dr. Donald Johanson and Tom Gray found the remains in Africa.  They said that the radio was playing the old Beatles song of Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.”

“So that’s how they determined the sex of the skeleton?  Therefore if Mack the Knife was playing, Lucy would have been a male named Mack?”

“That’s the ‘scientific’ down and dirty of it, Moonbeam, white sclera and all.”

‘Lucy’s skull was so incomplete that most of it was “imagination made of plaster of Paris”, thus making it impossible to draw any firm conclusion about what species she belonged to.’  Richard Leakey (Director of National Museums of Kenya) in the Weekend Australian, 7-8 May 1983, Magazine, p.3 (another honest evolutionist.)

“What about all these other cavemen and ape-men in our textbooks, the Discovery Channel, and the History Channel that are supposed to be our ancestors?”

“Well Moonbeam, let’s look at some of these discoveries and their implications on society.  Of course if you accept the evolutionary construct you see drawn (again by imagination) in the textbooks and on TV – you know, the line of ape-like creatures progressing across the page from stooped over ape to modern human…”

“Yeah man, I’ve seen that dumb parade of apes to human all over the place.”

“Did you ever notice that in almost all the depictions as ape morphs into human, there is also a subtle transition from Black to Caucasian?”

“Oh man, you are right!  I never really checked it out, but now that you mention it…”

“Darwin’s own natural selection theory promoted the idea that darker skinned peoples were not as evolved as the lighter skinned humans.”

‘No rational man, cognizant of the facts, believes that the average Negro is the equal, still less-the        -superior to the white man.’   Charles Darwin

On women: ‘Object to be beloved and played with – better than a dog anyhow – …and someone to take care of (the) house’…   Charles Darwin

“Jeez, do evolutionists still believe this stuff?”

“They will deny it, but their pictures speak louder than words.  The cover of Time magazine has been graced many times with pictures (again from some artist’s imagination) of dark skinned ape-men originating from Africa – the cradle of life.”

“Yeah man, I’ve never seen a white ape-man yet, except Raquel Welch and Darryl Hannah as white blonde-haired cave chicks.”

“The Progressives will scream louder than ever that this evolutionary racism no longer appears in the textbooks.  The key is – no longer.  However, ask them why the majority of Margaret Sanger’s Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinics are located in minority communities.  Then watch them squirm.”

“The key is, Moonbeam, these skeletal remains and fossils are either post-Flood human or ape, that’s all.  Let’s look at some of them.”

Ramapithecus – part of a jaw and a few teeth were discovered in India.  From this, “experts” declared that this creature was starting to walk upright.  Of course you had to hire an artist and coach him to draw what this thing may have looked like.

“From a few teeth and part of a jaw, they drew him?”

“You got it, Moonbeam.  It has turned out that ‘ol Rama was an orangutan.  But he’s not the best one.”

Ocre – found in Spain.  Named after the village it was found near.  They discovered the skull cap (top portion only of the skull) that turned out to be that of a six month old donkey.

Neanderthal Man – found around 1856 in the Neander valley, in Germany.  Just in time for Darwin.  Other Neanderthal skeletons have been since found in other parts of Europe, Asia, Africa and Israel.  They had a beetle brow appearance and deformity of the bones so that they probably walked stooped over.  And some did live in caves.  They also manufactured tools and musical instruments like flutes, created jewelry, painted on the cave walls, and buried their dead.

The Australian aborigine today has prominent eye brow ridges and is fully human.  The famous anatomist, Rudolph Virchow, declared at the time that the skeletal deformity was due to rickets, a Vitamin D deficiency, which has now been re-confirmed.  Their brain size was actually LARGER than modern humans, which makes him fully human and simply a variation.  I doubt that even I could make a proper functioning flute with correctly spaced and sized holes to create an exact harmonic progression.  And yes, some did live in caves.  The Essenes used caves near the Dead Sea and placed Old Testament Biblical scrolls in them – The Dead Sea Scrolls.  Lot lived in a cave for a while. Gen. 19:30.  He was the guy who was in Sodom, and the perverts demanded Lot turn over his male guests (the angels) to them. The angels had come to warn Lot that God was going to destroy the city.  Gen. 19:8.

“Man I get it now:  Sodom, sodomy.  The townspeople wanted to rape the male angels.  Wow, God made it really clear He doesn’t cotton to same sex stuff.  My teach said that God was a Fire and Brimstone tyrant.  She was a Lesbian and proud of it.

Of course with Darwin’s writings just having been released, which coincided with the Neanderthal discovery, the atheists were ecstatic with joy and glee that they now had “proof” that what had been unearthed was an intermediary between ape and man, and found in a cave to boot.  Adam and Eve were then a figment of the minds of religious writers, created by an imaginary God used by the Church to control the masses.

Google up the plethora of drawings of this poor human, made to look like King Kong with a loin cloth, dragging his female conquest, by the hair, back to his lair to have his way with her.  The Victorian men at the time were bug-eyed and salivating with anticipation.  They now possessed the key to the chastity belt and were ready to use it.  P.S.  Note again that no two drawings are alike.

“Hey man, that’s when they probably first coined the term – Man Cave!”

“Works for me, Moonbeam.”

Piltdown Man – The British Empire was not to be played as second banana in the game of who came first.  In 1912, with Darwin and Ape-men all the rage, a few fragments of a jawbone and pieces of a skull were found in a gravel pit near Piltdown, England.  For nearly 50 years this hodgepodge collection stood as a 500,000 year old sub-human ancestor to man.  This fraud, this hoax was finally exposed in 1950.  It was the jaw of an ape and the skull of a modern human stained to look old and the teeth were filed down, yes with a file, to make them look less ape-like.  The concoction was planted in the gravel pit and then conveniently found by Charles Dawson.  By 1950, over 500 books and pamphlets had already been written praising this discovery.  There was a cabal of individuals who were involved with the charade.  At the top of the list was of course Charles Dawson, a lawyer, and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, a Jesuit Catholic priest.  What a bizarre affiliation.  Talk about the odd couple.

By 1912, the Church had already compromised on the age of the earth, capitulating to the evolutionists and atheists, that it was not 6000 years old.  However, they didn’t know where to place in the Bible these recently discovered “ape-men”.  Did they have souls?  If they evolved from apes on their way to becoming human, then Adam didn’t exist yet.  Therefore there was death and disease BEFORE Adam.  Catholics and Christians, as a whole, believe that Adam’s sin CAUSED death and bloodshed to come into the world.  And Christ came to conquer death by rising from the dead to everlasting life.

This was not lost on the atheists.  Why would you need a Savior?  To save you from death, something that has been part of the evolutionary process for millions of years, and will continue to be so for millions more to come?  To the Popes credit, they fought this “modernism” as it was called, tooth- and-nail.  A number of encyclicals were written in defense of the classic Biblical position:  starting with Providentissimus Deus by Pope Leo XIII in 1893, Pascendi Dominici Gregis by Pope Pius X in 1907, and Spiritus Paraclitus by Pope Benedict in 1920.

“Man, I thought one of these Pope people had said that evolution was cool and all.”

“You are partially correct, Moonbeam.  Pope John Paul II, in a 1996 letter, said that ‘new findings lead us to the recognition of evolution as more than a hypothesis’, and Pope Benedict XVI in a book he wrote in 1995, ‘The story of the dust of the earth and the breath of God, does not in fact explain how human persons come to be, but rather what they are.’  Catholics are the worst at understanding the dogma of their own religion.  These were NOT encyclicals written ex cathedra (from ‘the chair’ of Peter) by the Popes as Christ’s representative on earth.  Officially, in Catholic reality, the Pope speaking extemporaneously (through books, letters, videos, tapes, etc.), is almost the equivalent of the Pope expounding on the current state of baseball teams.  Unfortunately because of the Popes gravitas, people, especially Catholics, tend to give this secular communication more credence than it deserves.  To them I say, show me the encyclical where Catholics are supposed to believe fully in evolution.  No such encyclical exists!!!”

Nebraska Man – The USA, not to be outdone, finds a tooth, a single solitary tooth, in Nebraska, in 1922.  The tooth was shown to one of America’s foremost fossil experts, Dr. Henry Fairfield Osborn, professor at Columbia University, and other “experts” as well.  The tooth came from a creature that they were not sure was a man-like ape or an ape-like man.  The tooth was to be used by Dr. Osborn at the famous 1925 Scopes Monkey Trial in Dayton, Tennessee.  The Illustrated London News published a picture of Nebraska Man, his wife, the tools they were using, and the setting of where they lived!!

“C’mon man- All this from one dumb tooth?  They must have hired one hell of an artist to paint that picture!”

“I did promise you one better than the orangutan, Moonbeam.  But, as Paul Harvey liked to say: now, for the rest of the story.”

A few years after the discovery of the tooth, some additional bones of the creature were discovered, and the bones came from neither man nor ape.  Instead they came from an extinct pig.  Nebraska man was a pig.

“Yo, I bet this was the first time a pig made a monkey out of an evolutionist, heh heh.”

“You are probably right, Moonbeam.”

“How come man, it seems like there is something in the news all the time about scientists having just dug up some new ape-man bones, splashed across front page headlines.”

“I’ll bet you never read about the retraction 6 months, or a year later?  Do you know why not?  Because it always appears on page 47, Section D, third column, ¾ the way down the page as one or two sentences.  That’s why!”

“Did you ever study the evolution of apes, Moonbeam?”

“Well no, our teach never even brought the subject up.  We only studied about human evolution.”

“I’ll tell you why not.  There ain’t no fame and money in ape evolution, Moonbeam.  Finding some ancient monkey bone and claiming it’s evolving into a higher ape form doesn’t give you prestige nor grant money.  Now take that same bone and claiming it’s the ‘missing link’ to all of human evolution and you’ve got your 15 minutes of fame, until you are discredited 6 months later on page 47.”

“Modern apes, for instance, seem to have sprung out of nowhere.  They have no yesterday, no fossil record.  And the true origin of modern humans – of upright, tool making, big-brained beings – is, if we are to be honest with ourselves, an equally mysterious matter,” Dr. Lyall Watson (anthropologist), ‘The Water People’.  Science Digest, vol. 90, May 1982, p.44 (another honest evolutionist.)

And more recently from another honest evolutionist:  “There is a popular image of human evolution that you’ll find all over the place….On the left of the picture there’s an ape….On the right, a man….Between the two is a succession of figures that becomes ever more like humans….Our progress from ape to human looks so smooth, so tidy.  It’s such a beguiling image that even the experts are loath to let go.  But it’s an illusion.”  Bernard Wood (Professor of Human Origins, George Washington University) “Who are we?”  New Scientist, 2366 (26 Oct. 2002), p. 44.

“After all this time, why aren’t these scientists, news people, and the education system being honest with us?”

“Moonbeam! Honest? By whose definition?  You still don’t get it.  The Judeo-Christian definition (Bible is truth) or the evolutionary definition (man determines truth)?”

Professor Richard Lewontin, a geneticist (and self-proclaimed Marxist), is certainly one of the world’s leaders in evolutionary biology.  He wrote this very revealing comment:

“We take the side of science in spite of the patent absurdity of some of its constructs…., because we have a prior commitment, a commitment to materialism….No matter how counterintuitive, no matter how mystifying to the uninitiated.  Moreover, that materialism is an absolute, for we cannot allow a Divine Foot in the door.”

‘We cannot allow a Divine Foot in the door.’  Reflect on this for a minute.  This phrase speaks volumes. Now by ‘science’, he means evolution.  Are you beginning to see that evolution is not science; it is a philosophy, and a fairytale one, at that.  But it gives these secular humanists and progressives an air of legitimacy.  In short: God = Rules.  No God = No Rules.  And we know how sinful man likes doing his, or her, own thing.

“OK man, assuming Adam and Eve did exist, I mean what could they do, except tip-toe through the tulips in that Eden garden?”

“Remember God made them perfect.  After they were thrown out of the Garden of Eden, they were forced to work ‘by the sweat of your brow.’  Gen. 3-19.  Their brains were awesome and so were their offspring’s.  True, not quite as good as Adam and Eve’s brains because…..”

“Because of that thermometer law of everything starting to break down!”

“Correct Moonbeam, the law of entropy.  Cain, you know Adam’s son who killed his brother Abel, built a city!  Yes, an entire city, and named it after his own son Enoch. Gen. 4:17.  Tubal-Cain was an expert in brass and iron.  Gen. 4-22.  And Jubal was the father (the inventor) of the harp and organ.  Gen. 4-19.  And let’s not forget Noah who built a 450 foot long ship, whose size was not matched until the 1800’s; all this, only 6000 years ago.”

To this day, naval architects find Noah’s ratios of length- to-wide-to-height just about perfect.  These ratios are found to be the most stable for large vessels, i.e. cargo ships on the rough seas.  A number of structural analysis and stability studies bear this out, including one by an EVOLUTIONIST and architectural engineer himself, Dr. S.W. Hong, who is now Director General of MOERI – formerly KRISO, when the study was done in South Korea in 1992.  He holds his PhD. in applied mechanics from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

“And Noah didn’t have a computer to help him.  Sounds like, wow, we are dissolving instead of evolving man.”

“Devolving – A very astute observation, Moonbeam; very astute, and correct.  Even our size:  Why won’t the evolutionist acknowledge when they find human skeletons, some of which are 12 feet tall and taller?”

“No $–t !!??”


“Sorry, I just got carried away.  Are you for real?”

“‘There were giants in the earth in those days’, Gen. 6:4. They must destroy the Bible as just a bunch of fairytales.  It doesn’t fit their neat little paradigm of protozoa-to- professional or monkey- to-man.  Humans have always been human in many varieties from watusis to pygmies.  Goliath was a real person who David fought and killed; he towered @ 9 feet tall.  The Roman Emperor, Maximus Thrax, 235-238 A.D., stood 8 feet 6 inches tall.”

“My teach told us that chimp and human DNA are like 96% the same.  That proves we evolved from the apes, she said.”

“And watermelons and clouds are both 96% water.  Therefore, watermelons evolved from clouds or maybe clouds evolved from the watermelons.  Sorry, your teacher used an incorrect correlation.  In reality, we are now down to about 70% DNA similarity between us and the chimp.  It still doesn’t prove we evolved from them.”

“Why the big percent drop, man?

“Good question, Moonbeam.  Say I want to fudge the results a bit.  And I only selectively analyze the DNA  of your hair color and mine, which is about the same, and your color eyes and mine, which are similar, and your ear shape and mine – again, almost identical, but do not analyze any other parts of our entire DNA genome.  By comparing our DNA side by side, on only these three areas, I might come to the conclusion that we are virtually related – say 99%!”

“Hey wait man, that’s not fair. That’s only a very, very tiny part of our total DNA that you analyzed.”

“But Moonbeam, if I had an agenda, and wanted to prove we are related, God forbid, wouldn’t this be a great way to do it?”

“Are you saying that the scientists were cheating?”

“Let’s just say that they were stretching the DNA a bit.  As we start to look at larger swatches of DNA and then compare them side by side, we are now down to that 70%.”

“But, why any similarity at ALL?”

“Moonbeam, have you ever heard of Frank Lloyd Wright or Pablo Picasso?”

“Yeah, man.  I took a basic drafting course in school and I saw pics of the homes and other buildings he designed.  And that Picasso dude, I mean his hang up with female breasts?  These guys were a little electric.  I can spot their work a mile away.”

“Yes, they were a bit eccentric.  Different designers tend to use their own unique techniques, which can be identified easily as their own work.  We are made in His image.  Why deny God the same courtesy of His design creativity.  The common thread in all His work is DNA.  It is THE signature that runs through ALL His works from protozoa to plants to porcupines to Picasso.  Instead, the evolutionists attribute DNA to time and chance.  Can you imagine going up to Picasso or Wright today, if they were alive, and tell them that they didn’t create those works of art and design.  That they came about simply by massive amounts of time and blind random chance, without any intelligent input?”

“They would probably smack you upside the head, man.”

“I saw a documentary, I think on the Discovery Channel, which showed a troupe of chimpanzees successfully coordinating an attack on another group.  The winners triumphed by eating parts of the bodies of the vanquished dead losers.  Another video illustrates the ability of adult females to attack and eat other females’ infants.  The point of the documentaries was alluding to the fact that since we are most closely related to the chimps, cannibalization is perfectly OK.”

“Oh, gross me out, man.”

“Moonbeam, are you starting to get it?  You cannot debate these pseudo-intellectual liberals, secular progressives, Marxists, whoever, by just using human logic, i.e. it’s no longer civilized to eat dead people in a modern society.  Unless you debate them from a CORRECT Biblical prospective, YOU WILL LOSE!!  Either we are made Imago Dei (in God’s Image) or in the image of an ape.”

“I didn’t come from no monkey, but man, can’t we just get back to American values, morals, and ethics?”

“Whose values, whose morals, and whose ethics Moonbeam?  Let me give you an example.  Say I tell you I am from some remote indigenous tribe in the Southwestern USA.  When we have a stillborn, we say prayers over it, then boil and eat it.  This is my heritage.  These are MY morals and ethics.  Tell me I’m wrong.”

“Well, it’s not normal, it’s not right, regular people just don’t do that sort of thing, man.”

“And who are you, Moonbeam, to tell me what is right and wrong?  Who are you to interfere with my heritage?  You are just a bigoted, pompous, self- serving religious wack job.”

Note:  substitute your leftist liberal flavor or the month, in lieu of boiling stillborns; i.e. abortion, gay ‘marriage’, NAMBLA, Sharia law etc., and then reread the above retort I gave to Moonbeam.  Hmmmm.

“What you are doing inadvertently Moonbeam, by getting grossed out and saying it’s just not right, is taking the Judeo-Christian (MORAL) position, without realizing you have done so.  Some evolutionists, liberals, progressives, and even Christian evolutionary conservatives make this same ‘mistake’.  They are not being consistent with their evolutionary philosophy and fall back to a Biblical moral position without even being aware of it.  They sub-consciously pick and choose what they believe to be true and right and normal.  The truly hard-core atheists like Drs. Stephen J. Gould and Bozarth and Sagan and Provine understand this conflict and dichotomy of thought only all too well.  I think Lewontin made his point perfectly clear.”

During World War II, the Japanese in some ways were more vicious than the Nazis.  The Nazis had only recently adopted a Darwinian thought process.  However, the Japanese are of the Shinto religion (philosophy) or Buddhist, both of which has already been around for hundreds of years.  Evolution, although not Darwinian style, is still the basis of your eastern religions/philosophies.  You are to seek what is truth (in your own eyes, hmmm, I’ve heard that before), through meditation and chanting.  Karma (the mystical law of cause and effect) is the essence of reality.  Belief is in reincarnation.  Note: there is no SOURCE of absolute truth.  There is no heaven or hell.

Does this mean these are an innately bad or evil people?  Absolutely not.  I personally respect the Dali Lama immensely.  But it gives the individual more latitude to do as he or she pleases without worry of retribution.  This point is big, VERY BIG!!!!!!

If you look at the atrocities from that war, the Japanese surpassed the Nazis in many respects.  The rape of Nanking, China 1937, and the Bataan Death March in the Philippines, 1942 are two good examples.  The Japanese soldiers mutilated and murdered 300,000 people in just 6 weeks of carnage.  The raping was the nice part.  Then, while still alive, cutting off their breasts and penises and shoving bamboo poles and bayonets up their vaginas and rectums.  Infants were twirled on the shaft of bayonets as their mothers watched in horror.  On the Bataan Death March, any prisoner who could not keep up was beheaded by officers on horseback.  The Imperial Japanese officers prided themselves on who could cut the most heads off with only one swipe of their samurai sword.  Some exhausted prisoners were buried alive by the roadside, at bayonet point, by their own comrades.  At the camps, Casey and O’Donnell, those American soldiers who resisted their Japanese torturers and showed bravery in the face of death, had their hearts and livers cut out and eaten by some of the officers, hoping to gain the courage and strength of that prisoner.  Some of these Japanese officers, in later years after the war, ran and held positions in the Japanese Congress which is called the National Diet.  The few American survivors from the Bataan event protested to our Congress vigorously but were ignored.  The number of atrocities committed by American soldiers in WWII paled by comparison.

“I think I’m getting sick.  But I’ve got it figured out man.  The Americans back then still had a Biblical worldview for the most part, while the Japanese and the Nazis had an evolutionary one.”

“Correct, Moonbeam.  The threat of Hell still loomed in the subconscious mind of the American soldier.  They still believed the Bible/God as the source of absolute truth.  With evolution, there is no heaven, no hell, no reward, no punishment, and each individual decides what truth is.  As Dr. Provine stated, ‘There is no life after death.  When I die, I am absolutely certain I am going to be dead.’  Now today’s American soldier has changed somewhat.  We have more charges of abuse.  Why? As our illustrious leader has said – ‘we are no longer a Christian Nation’.  Could he be right?”


Gene Conti, MD

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