To Hell in a Handbasket, Part VII

Let’s take a closer look at that Geologic Column which consists of multiple massive layers from the different time periods of earth history over the supposed millions of years. You old timers can pull out the Geology text from your High School days, and the younger techies can just Google up the “Geologic Column”. It starts with the “basement” rocks: the pre-Cambrian, then the Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, ….Jurassic (Steven Spielberg, growling dinosaurs running amok), Triassic,……up to the Quaternary (and modern man). According to the evolutionists, each of these layers contains representatives of the organisms that lived during that epoch of time on the earth. The “simplest” creatures are the deepest/oldest layers; and as we move upward in the column are the more complex life forms, culminating with man at the top.

Now, IF the young-earth Creationists are correct, the ENTIRE Geologic Column formed during the 371 days of Noah’s Flood, and for a short time thereafter – only 4400 years ago. At this point many of you are thinking – Conti and the Creationists are a bunch of “flat-earthers”. C’mon, everybody knows that the earth and the geologic column are millions of years old. The Bible is wrong and that is why the “enlightened” ecclesiastics have rejected Noah and the Deluge God sent.

To briefly recap – if these layers and the billions of organisms they contain are the result of millions of years of death, bloodshed, and disease as evolution progressed upward and onward, then Christianity IS a sham, with death occurring before man (Adam) ever evolved or was created by God. Bozarth and Bill Maher, and Nicki Minaj (2012 blasphemous Grammy performance) should be admired for their attacks and vilification of Christianity, and Catholicism in particular.
Fossilization as we have discussed MUST occur quickly. Even in the pre-Cambrian rocks we can find single- celled (microscopic prokaryotes and eukaryotes) organisms. Unless you are totally brain-dead, there is NO WAY a single microscopic celled organism would not almost immediately desiccate, i.e. “go poof” for you non-lab coat types, unless it was “preserved” immediately- buried by mud. The next level up is the Cambrian. The evolutionists call what happened here the “Cambrian Explosion”, because of the sudden appearance of a multitude of multi-celled complex organisms – clams, brachiopods, corals, worms, jellies, etc.

Engage brain for a minute. The deepest level is the pre-Cambrian, the next up the Cambrian. Pre-C contains only one- celled; Cambrian complex multi-celled: Microscopic vs. Gigantor, in comparison. There should be billions of transitional/intermediate organisms in the rock layer between one-celled and BIG GIGANTOR-celled. Transitional means “on the way to becoming (evolving) into something more complex.” Where are they? Shouldn’t there be something – ANYTHING- growing bigger between an ameba and a clam? That’s a HUGE jump – with nothing in between. That’s why the evolutionists call it the Cambrian explosion, because you go from one-celled organisms to organisms of multi-millions of cells with NO life forms in between. Shouldn’t there be at least ONE organism of just a few thousand cells?

Doesn’t that strike you as odd that in your Biology classes you needed a microscope to view one-celled stuff, or you looked at multi-celled stuff with your naked eyes – with nothing in between; No evolutionary transitional/intermediate forms. Of course, the evolutionists have absolutely no explanation as to why Mother Gaia decided to have evolution make this massive jump, so to speak, leaving NOTHING in between. Where did the additional information (DNA) arise from? Let’s be real. A clam or worm or jellyfish has infinitely more information (DNA) that an ameba or bacterium. Gee, I thought that evolution was supposed to be some kind of progressive, gradual advancement – an upward and onward deal- not a magical leap forward. I have heard all manner of weird explanation for this LACK of evidence of intermediate forms for evolution: The rock layers were weathered/worn down and that’s why we can’t find these (imaginary) organisms between uni-cellular and multi-cellular ANYWHERE in all the Cambrian layers of the world.

Sheeeesh! This Cambrian Explosion disaster (pun intended) is just that – a debacle. Any intellectually honest individual would have to admit that this is more than a serious chink in evolution’s armor; the knight’s evolutionary coat of mail is hemorrhaging profusely. No transitional/intermediate organisms – none! Period! Well then, Conti, why AREN’T there some moderate sized organisms – fossilized or living? Since the evolutionists and atheists can’t answer that question, I guess you’ll have to ask your Maker why He didn’t create any. Sorry, that’s right, we evolved – somehow, making magical evolutionary leaps through time and space.

As we progress from the Cambrian to the Silurian to the Devonian, etc., we find the fishes, the amphibians, the reptiles, yada, yada. We left off with the multi-celled organisms – the clams, worms, corals, etc. – Again a major leap in information (DNA) from worm to fish. These are not minor tweaks in evolutionary change/advancement. I’m not going to rewrite your Biology text for you, BUT there should be millions of transitional/intermediate forms in the fossil layer as a worm morphs into a fish; therefore, millions of increases in DNA/informational changes also. Do you know how many transitional forms exist between worm and fish? Answer – zilch, zero, nada, goose egg. Did they get weathered away also?

How about the fish to amphibian? Amphibian to reptile? Reptile to bird, and on …“upward to man”? Same answer – zero, zero, zero and zero again!

Yeah, but Conti I saw this plastic model and drawings of something that was turning into a reptile from a fish thingy in a museum once. A plastic model? A drawing? I see – not REAL skeletal remains fossilized or otherwise. Wow, that sounds really scientific – NOT! People are being brainwashed by models and drawings of what some artist conceptually thinks happened, possibly, maybe. Gee, I always thought real science meant it had to be duplicatable, falsifiable, in other words – testable!

Below are just a few quotes, taken from hardcore, but honest evolutionists. These are people at the top of their respective fields – not some high school science teacher. Nothing personal – I was one once, too.

“The absence of fossil evidence for intermediary stages between major transitions in organic design, indeed our inability, even in our imagination, to construct functional intermediates in many cases, has been a persistent and nagging problem for gradualistic accounts of evolution.” Steven Jay Gould (Professor of Geology and Paleontology, Harvard University).

“…I fully agree with your comments on the lack of direct illustration of evolutionary transitions in my book. If I knew of any, fossil or living, I would certainly have included them. You suggest that an artist should be used to visualize such transformations, but where would he get the information from? I could not, honestly, provide it, and if I were to leave it to artistic license, would that not mislead the reader”? – Personal letter from Dr. Colin Patterson, Senior Paleontologist at the British Museum of Natural History in London, to Luther D. Sunderland.

“Evolution requires intermediate forms between species and paleontology does not provide them. The gaps must therefore be a contingent feature of the record.” David B. Kitts, PhD. (zoology) School of Geology and Geophysics, Department of the History of Science, Univ. of Oklahoma, USA.

Conti, but what about that primitive Archaeopteryx bird they found fossilized in the rocks? Doesn’t that prove bird evolution was taking place? You just said it – it’s a bird in all aspects of its physiology. It’s not in transition to becoming a reptile or anything else. It is simply a bird that became extinct, as a result of the flood. The Dodo bird has become extinct because man killed them off. Small little tidbit of info they leave out of your textbooks: more “modern” birds are found in fossilized rocks occasionally at levels DEEPER/older than Archaeopteryx was found. Oops!! Can’t tell the WHOLE truth, people will realize how bogus evolution really is. By the way, same deal for the horse. How did the “modern” birds get in those deeper levels? Hellooooooo, it was a catastrophic deluge of unimaginable proportions; obviously not the one slooooow layer at a time over “millions of years” you’ve been brainwashed to believe.

Because the Fossil Record does not exhibit any true transitional forms from one major group to another, quietly, many evolutionists have been asking that the Fossil Record NOT be used as evidence for evolution anymore. They realize that the Fossil Record is obviously evidence for abrupt appearance, i.e. creation of animal and plants of different kinds and then their subsequent rapid water burial and death. They call themselves Neo-Catastrophists.

Could it be these Neo-catastrophists are finally acknowledging God’s Creation of separate and different “kinds”, followed by the Biblical Flood? No, they are claiming that MULTIPLE cataclysmic, tectonic watery upheavals occurred throughout earth history. Betcha can’t have just one Flood! Just – THE one Flood leaves a bad taste in the mouths of atheists and evolutionists. Oh, and the LACK of evidence of transitional forms – they are still sticking with the erosion and/or multiple floods weathered away the intermediate transitional forms. Reflect on this for a moment. The atheists, evolutionists and liberal religious types can’t possibly believe in THE ONE all encompassing hydraulic cataclysmic event, but now easily have adapted themselves to believe in MULTILPLE all encompassing hydraulic cataclysmic events!! HUH? It must be their impaired PhD. mentality – the piled higher and deeper one. You doubt me? Check out this next point.

Ever wonder how they determine how old a fossilized rock specimen is? I’m sure you have lost many a night’s sleep agonizing over this query. Oh, you haven’t needed Lunesta-TM? Well anyway, if you bring a fossilized shark tooth to a paleontologist, he will tell you that the age of your specimen is based on what rock layer it was found (in this case the Devonian); Sounds reasonable enough. Ok, assume you go to a geologist and ask him how does he know he is looking at Devonian age rocks? He will tell you: That’s easy, because it contains a shark’s tooth. Hold the phone!! Conti, are you saying the paleontologist (the fossil guy) dates the fossils by the rock (layer) it was found in; and the geologist (rock guy) dates the rock by the fossils in it? Ahhh yeah! That’s circular reasoning Conti! That’s nuts!

“Contrary to what most scientists write, the fossil record does not support the Darwinian theory of evolution because it is this theory (there are several) which we use to interpret the fossil record. By doing so we are guilty of circular reasoning if we then say the fossil record supports this theory.” Ronald R. West, PhD. (paleoecology and geology) Assistant Professor of Paleobiology at Kansas State University – Another honest evolutionist.
Still doubt me now?
Conti, I don’t care for all this science stuff. Who gives a rip about ontogeny, phylogeny, fossils, floods, genetics, geology and what have you. My turn to say: “just suck it up cupcake”! You guys are the ones always beating the Christians with the science club. Well, I’m showing you how science (evolution) can be twisted and turned by not revealing ALL of the evidence. A partial truth is in reality a flat out lie.

I’ll give you one million dollars to jump out of an airplane, without a parachute. Would you do it? Of course not, and you just lost out on a million bananas. Why? -Because I revealed only a partial truth. Yes, you would be jumping from an airplane; one disabled on the tarmac flying to nowhere. That is exactly the way it is with evolution – part truth which equals all lies! Or do you like being lied to? Some people don’t even want to understand the lie that is evolution. Why? Because once you understand ALL the facts, you realize the truth that there is a Creator. This means you are ANSWERABLE to that Creator. And we all know how we humans despise being answerable to anyone.

Take your own kids. You (and your spouse) have created that child. That child is answerable to you their creator; at least until he or she is 18 and/or out of the house on their own. You love your children and only want the best for them. Don’t you think your Father in heaven wants the best for you – His creation? Your attitude and behavior is similar to your child: rebellious, angry at having to follow certain house rules and regs that you set (out of love); and you sometimes disobey God’s laws (The Bible), just like your child occasionally rejects your rules.

Now imagine if your kid didn’t even know who or what a parent (Creator) was. Someone taught him that all children just came out of test tubes. Well baby, let’s Rock and Roll, sky’s the limit! Who would those kids be answerable to? No one but themselves and/or whoever had the biggest club to beat them into submission. Gee, that sounds like all of us being brain-washed in Godless evolution. But what is it with the big stick Conti?

A Godless evolution based society feels answerable to no one but themselves. “Every man did what was right in his own eyes” Judges 17:6. “I wanna screw as many ‘hoes as I can; be da baddest Baby Daddy king in da hood”. Tell this ghetto teen he is wrong? You can’t – not based on evolution anyway. How dare you be judgmental of this poor waif. We must be tolerant of ALL lifestyles. There is NO right and NO wrong, only Darwin’s “law” of “survival of the fittest”, and Dawkins “law” of the “selfish gene”. Same applies to the major international Agra corporations (in bed with FDA government officials) that want to dominate all the farmers and control their land and crops, and therefore an entire nation’s food supply.

“We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. … Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other”. John Adams, 1798
And the big stick…
“Men in a word must necessarily be controlled, either by a power within them, or by a power without them; either by the Word of God, or by the strong arm of man; either by the Bible, or by the bayonet”. John Winthrop, 1849
Yep, both quotes come from Founding Fathers. You know those old white crackers on the greenbacks who DIDN’T give their “lives, fortunes and sacred honor” to unite us as a Christian nation. And there is a bridge in Brooklyn for sale. Cheap! Any bet the Tea Party people are mostly Christians? Not one gum wrapper dropped; and no one arrested at any of their gatherings. And the Occupy Wall Street crowd – mostly atheists and evolutionists. Check their blogs and their interviews for verification. The filth and garbage left behind speaks volumes. Arrests – by the hundreds!

Gee, I wonder who originally built all these churches in the U.S.A.? To that I would add all of the Christian named towns and cities like San Francisco, San Antonio, Christiansburg, Bethlehem, Corpus Christi, Las Cruces, Santa Fe, St. Petersburg, and on, and on, and on. Maybe the Hare Krishna cult named them?
Gene Conti, MD
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