To Hell in a Handbasket, Part III

Now some of you are starting to grumble. Wait a minute Conti, what about Mutation and Natural Selection, the two engines that drive evolution. OK, let’s look honestly at them. But first we must look at the very starting point which is information. Specifically, genetic information which is the double helix (DNA). It is massively complex. One teaspoon, according to molecular biologist and atheist Michael Denton, “could contain all the information needed to build the proteins for ALL the species of the organisms that have ever lived on the earth, and there still would be enough room left for all the information in every book ever written”. Yes, in one teaspoon! It is so complex that even its co-discoverer and Nobel Prize winner Francis Crick admits DNA, and therefore life, couldn’t come about by blind random chance (evolution). So argue with him on that point. Also, Sir Fred Hoyle, English astronomer and mathematician, and another evolutionist, admits that for even one reproductive cell to come into existence by blind chance would be the same as a tornado blowing through a junkyard and creating a fully functional Boeing 747 in flight!

Crick however, being the ardent evolutionist that he is, then states that aliens (from another planet not illegal ones) seeded genetic info and/or life on Earth. OOOOeeee, OOOOeeee, do I hear 50’s Sci-Fi movie tonal EFX? Now I don’t claim to be of Nobel material like Crick, but buddy aren’t you just moving the problem of evolution to another planet or galaxy? You STILL have the SAME problem – organized logical coherent information in the form of DNA that must be created; this time by aliens, in order to “seed” the earth. I’m not making this stuff up.

You teens out there reading this: Want to screw with your teacher or prof’s brain? Here’s one. DNA forms RNA and RNA creates Proteins and Enzymes (which are proteins also). But proteins are needed to make DNA. Here it comes! Which came first – DNA, RNA or Proteins? Your prof/teach will NOT give you a definitive answer. He will give you a bunch of theories as to which MAY have come first. THINK!!!! No one of them came first. They ALL had to be present “In the beginning”. I know I’ve heard that phrase somewhere before. In reality this DNA – RNA – Protein cycle is more complex than this, but you have the gist.

Back to the concept of information. Therefore a horse has more DNA info than say an ameba. The horse DNA has info for lungs, heart, eyes, legs, digestive system, etc. Remember evolution is always upward and onward. Where does this INCREASE of info come from? Mutation destroys – period. Less information. The only major “beneficial” human mutation that the evolutionists point to is Sickle Cell Anemia. This is a LOSS of information – not a gain. I know it protects one from malaria. Bottom line, how many of you would like to experience the agonizing pains of a sickle cell crisis, to be protected from malaria?

How many thousands of generations of fruit flies (Drosophila Menlanogaster) are biology students going to have to torture with chemicals and radiation? All we get are mutated fruit flies (that can’t fly). The genus and species remain exactly the same. PETA needs to get involved to spare these poor insects from more suffering.

What about those blind fish that live in deep water caves where there is no light? Again, loss of information, the fish cannot see. They have LOST the ability to see. People – evolution must gain info to move upward and onward – not backward!

Bacterial resistance! That shows evolution! The bacteria evolved, Conti, to resist the new antibiotics. AH HA!

There are many strains of the SAME genus and species of bacteria. Example – staphylococcus aureus (SA). When we find some strains that are resistant to certain antibiotics, the bacteria haven’t changed genus or species. We currently are dealing with a nasty strain of SA called methicillin resistant staph aureus (MRSA). Notice that it’s STILL staph aureus. Just a different strain. That’s why the genus and species names have not changed. By the way, some bacteria of different strains (some of which are resistant to certain antibiotics) have ALWAYS been around. HUH?

Many frozen dead animals and bodies of humans from some of the polar expeditions from the late 1800’s and early 1900’s (decades before antibiotics were discovered), show bacteria with their multiple strains; many of which are resistant to the antibiotics of today. Therefore, these resistant strains existed even BEFORE penicillin was ever discovered!

Different strains of the same bacteria species have found that these “superbugs” are not so super at all. They are actually very weak! Well why are they wrecking havoc in hospitals then Conti? Think of these bacteria as bad guys. The bad guys are all running around killing people. The majority of the bad guys have big long arms and a very small number of the bad guys (a different strain) don’t have any arms at all. At first the bad guys with the big arms are able to do much more damage to the people. The armless ones are barely noticeable, being pushed aside by their more muscular cousins. The people now develop a police force with handcuffs (antibiotic) that goes around and arrests the bad guys with the big arms. However, the armless bad guys (can’t be handcuffed) and now are free to multiply (even more rapidly) and wreck havoc on the populace again. There is no evolution taking place. There is devolution – loss of information or in this case arms. As an aside, our goal is to try to discharge these patients from the hospital to the outside world where the bacteria with the big arms will again overpower their armless brethren and the patient will get better.

Viruses in many cases, through something called plasmids, exchange information. Again, no really new information. No upward and onward evolution. Sorry!

As for Natural Selection. If you truly understand it, this is evidence for Creation, NOT evolution. What the ….? Now, Now there are ladies present.

Selection is just what it means: DNA/genetic info can be eliminated or mixed from what ALREADY EXISTS. Darwin and the evolutionists give Natural Selection a subtle ability to “think” to select or reject. The word itself “selection” conjures up decision-making by nature, by Gaia our mother. In actuality, nothing new is being brought into existence. No new information. No new DNA. Only what was given to the organism by an Intelligent Designer – God Himself. Now many movies directly or indirectly give over this thinking/analytical power to mother earth ‘Gaia’ or ‘Eywa’ found in the recent Avatar movie. I prefer the older term “The Force” from Star Wars.

Think of Artificial Selection when a breeder or farmer selects his best bull or best stallion to breed. DNA (male) that already exists crosses with other DNA (female) that already exists. No new information. Same happens when you have a kid – Stud!
With Natural Selection this is done randomly in nature. Birds and bees carry pollen from one plant to another. Again no new info. Where is the upward and onward?

I can say invertebrates evolved by natural selection and mutation into vertebrates and then again by natural selection and mutation into fish and then amphibians, then reptiles, birds, mammals and man. It doesn’t make it so. I could just as easily say a motorcycle evolved into an ATV, then a car, then a truck, then an 18-wheeler big rig. Again that doesn’t make it so. I have NOT proved how and from WHERE this new information came.

If I told any design engineer that an 18-wheeler was ultimately just an evolved motorcycle, he would smack me upside the head. Yeah, but they have similarities I would plead. Sure, but it’s the differences in the increase of information/design that make ALL the difference. And you still have the problem of where the original basic info came from for the motorcycle to be made by blind random chance anyway.

Want to laugh? Every time you read an article or watch a Discovery Channel special that talks about Natural Selection, change the word Natural Selection for “The Force” or “Eywa”. Remember Natural Selection is nature selecting, giving nature an omnipotence unto itself. Rather than giving the credit for the “power” nature has to the real “Force” behind it – God!!

Hey Conti, that would make Natural Selection and evolution sound dumb. That’s the point. It is. Try it. You’ll laugh till your sides ache.

Now, some of you hold outs will say that you still believe in some type of evolution. OK, Mr. or Ms. or Mrs. Upward and onward, then you MUST include supposed hominids and then humans in this upward and onward blind random chance process as well. Right? Then may I remind you to determine where on the evolutionary totem pole to place yourself. And if you are not of the blue eyed blond haired Teutonic type chosen by “The Force”, excuse me Natural Selection, then maybe you are closer to the bottom and the apes than you think. Or are you made in the image of God? Your choice, or should I say selection?

Gene Conti, MD

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