In a Message of Jesus Christ to Sister Natalia in Hungary, He requests all to pray the Double Great Novena to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary for nine consecutive First Fridays and First Saturdays.
All know about the devotion of the nine consecutive First Fridays. Few know about the Five Consecutive First Saturdays. And very few know of the Nine Consecutive First Fridays and the Nine Consecutive First Saturdays.
As in Paray-le-Monial, France, and Fatima, a private revelation to Sister Natalia received the Imprimatur from the local bishop in Hungary.
Jesus: “As the Father entrusted all things to Me, so I give My victorious power over the world and sin to the Immaculate Heart of My Mother.”
“Through My daughter (Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque), I gave the world great promises, but because of My infinite Goodness, now, I give much more. If people wish to gain the benefits of My promises, they must love and venerate the Immaculate Heart of My Mother. The greatest sign of this veneration will be to receive Holy Communion on Nine Consecutive First Saturdays, and in the same way, on Nine Consecutive First Fridays, after a preparation and a true repentance. Their intentions must be to console My Heart and, at the same time, the Immaculate Heart of My Mother.”
Sister Natalia: “When Our Lord told me the first time about these First Saturdays, I did not realize that the Blessed Virgin at Fatima asked for only Five First Saturdays, in comparison with the Nine First Saturdays mentioned in the Messages I received. Consequently, the authorities of the Church wanted me to ask the Savior why He asked for nine, while Mary asked for only five. The Divine Savior replied: “The request of My Mother for Five Saturdays is a sign of Her humility and consequently, She did not consider Herself worthy of receiving a devotion that is equal to Mine. My request is a sign of My love, I cannot bear the idea of demanding more for Me than for My Mother who is united with Me in Love.”
“Hence, I understood that Jesus would have us make reparation for Nine Saturdays because He had demanded for Himself, to Saint Margaret Mary, Nine First Fridays.”
To make a good Novena, follow these suggestions:
Prepare yourself with true repentance, if possible go to Confession. Receive Holy Communion on both days (First Friday and First Saturday) The intentions of the Novena must be “to console My Heart and, at the same time, the Immaculate Heart of My Mother.”
What are the 33 promises of Jesus to those who make the Double Great Novena?