Why is the Fifth Marian Dogma a Heavenly Condition for World Peace?

screen-shot-2016-11-17-at-12-44-24-pmSeptember 15, 2016
Memorial of the Sorrowful Mother

Dear Vox Populi Mariae Mediatrici Family: Eminences, Excellencies, Fathers, Deacons, Sisters, Brothers, and beloved Laity,

The peace of our Lord, through our common Mother, Co-redemptrix, Mediatrix of all graces, and Advocate, be with you all! I write this annual letter especially, but not exclusively, with you contemplative religious brothers and sisters in mind who do not have regular internet access and are, therefore, unable to view either the weekly Mother of All Peoples Internet Magazine or the FifthMarianDogma.com website. In virtue of your extraordinary prayers and persevering sacrifices for the Fifth Marian Dogma, you remain the spiritual foundation, the petri of the entire worldwide movement, and we always want you to be informed and included in the efforts of Vox Populi.

As you may know, the year 2015 marked the one-hundredth anniversary of the ecclesial movement for the Fifth Marian Dogma as initiated by the renowned Churchman, Cardinal Desire Mercier of Belgium. In May of 1915, Mercier began gathering hundreds of bishop petitions and hundreds of thousands of clergy and faithful petitions for the solemn definition of Our Lady’s Spiritual Motherhood, and soon after presented them to the Holy Father of his time, Pope Benedict XV.

Why did Cardinal Mercier begin this movement for the Fifth Marian Dogma? For one simple reason: to bring historic graces to the Church and to the world through Mary’s intercession. Mercier rightly knew that if the pope solemnly proclaimed Mary’s roles of motherly mediation, Our Lady would then be able to more fully exercise these intercessory roles in a momentous release of grace for the human race.

Some 30 years later, Our Mother herself confirmed the inspiration of Mercier through an authentic private revelation. In 1945, in a suburb of Amsterdam, Netherlands, the Mother of God came to visionary, Ida Peerdeman (ecclesiastical approval, May 31, 2002), with a series of visions and prophecies which gave undeniable credence to a consequent heavenly request.

… “Theologians and apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ, listen carefully. I have given you the explanation of the dogma. Work and ask for this dogma. You should petition the Holy Father for this dogma” (May 31, 1954)…

… “The Lady of All Nations wishes for unity in the true Holy Spirit. The world is covered by a false spirit, by Satan. Once the dogma, the final dogma in Marian history, has been proclaimed, the Lady of All Nations will grant peace, true peace, to the world. The nations, however, must pray my prayer, together with the Church. They shall know that the Lady of All Nations has come as Co- redemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate. So be it” (May 31, 1954)…

… “The world has lost its bearings? Well then, nations, put your trust in your Mother, who has never yet forsaken her children. She is allowed to come to you under this new title: Co-redemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate. Why do you not ask your Holy Father to pronounce the dogma the Lady demands? Once the dogma has been pronounced, the Lady of All Nations will give her blessing… Then the Lady of All Nations will bestow peace. She will help you when this dogma has been proclaimed” (May 31, 1955).

Our Lady’s words are clear. The Mother of God has confirmed the universal Church call for a fifth Marian Dogma, and has asked every person in the world to do their part for world peace through 2 action steps:

1) Pray daily (and spread) the Prayer of the Lady of All Nations

2) Petition Pope Francis for the Fifth Marian Dogma

To fulfill the first action step, remember that Vox Populi will supply you with as many Lady of All Nations Prayer Cards as you may need (English and Spanish). Evangelize and re-evangelize with this powerful prayer, given directly by Our Lady, to prepare for the proclamation of the Fifth Marian Dogma.

To fulfill the second action step, write a brief personal note to Pope Francis at the following address:

Pope Francis | Vatican City | 00120

How many times can you write the Holy Father? How many times can you ask a loving father for what is good for the family? As many times as you are inspired to do so!

For example, Our Lady prophesied the Communist takeover of China (1948); the return of the state of Israel (1948); a civil war in Korea (1951); warring in the Balkans (1990’s); a man to walk on the moon (1968); a great decline in religion; economic boycotts; currency wars; and even the specific date of the death of Pope Pius XII (October 9, 1958).

Why so many predictions? So that the world, beyond just the Church, would know with certainty that only a supernatural source could provide such knowledge of the future.

What, then, is the heavenly request Mary herself makes? Our Lady specifically, repeatedly,
and emphatically requests the proclamation of the “dogma” of Mary as Co-redemptrix, Mediatrix, and Advocate, and designates this fifth Marian Dogma as a heavenly condition for world peace.

Let us listen to these direct words from the Lady of All Nations:

“Pray this prayer before the Cross: Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Father, send now Your Spirit over the earth. Let the Holy Spirit live in the hearts of all nations, that they may be preserved from degeneration, disaster and war. May the Lady of All Nations, who once was Mary, be our Advocate.

“Child, this is so simple and short that everyone can say it in one’s own language, before one’s own crucifix; and those who have no crucifix say it to themselves. This is the message which I want to give this very day, for I am now coming to say that I want to save souls. All of you, cooperate in this great work for the world. If only every child of man would try to live up to this for oneself ” (Feb. 11, 1951)…

… “I stand here as the Co-redemptrix and Advocate. Every thought should be directed at that. Repeat this after me: the new dogma shall be the dogma of the Co-redemptrix. ‘Co’— this I stress especially. I have said: much controversy will arise over that. Once again I tell you: the Church, Rome, will carry through with it and fight for it. The Church, Rome, will incur opposition and stand firm. The Church, Rome, will grow stronger and more powerful insofar as she stands firm in the fight. My intention and my instruction for you is none other than to urge the Church, the theologians, to wage this battle. …I know the struggle with be hard and bitter… but the outcome is already assured” (April 29, 1951)…

… “In this time the Father and the Son want to bring me into this world as Co-redemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate. This will be the new and final Marian dogma. This image will go before. This dogma will be much disputed, yet it will be carried through” (May 31, 1951)…


This article is featured in the Winter 2016 magazine! Become a member today to receive it!








***Read more messages from Our Lady of All nations in Signs and Wonders Volume 21#3/4
