The Catholic Atheist


We as Catholics have been brainwashed for decades by the secular establishment, to the point that our thought processes are no different than most of the pagans. The question is why? And that is what my article hopes to address.

Please keep in mind as you read through the article the absolute vital importance of the Catholic/Christian dogma that there was NO DEATH before Adam. If you accept that there was death before Adam sinned, the rest of the Old Testament and then the gospels mean nothing. There is no point to them. The atheists understand this only all too well. Why would you need a Savior (to save you from what?) if death had been ongoing for millions of years before Adam was created or evolved if you please?



“The smoke of satan has entered the Church”. – Pope Paul VI. The vile vapor has now permeated through the walls into the convents and rectories. This silent satanic stench has slowly and methodically seeped into our parochial school classrooms, universities and seminaries; right to the very cathedra of many bishoprics. It has saturated into the marrow of our youth, like a cancerous parasite, growing throughout the organs from the inside out. By the time the festering oozing buboes appear; it is in most cases, too late. The remedy: identify the fomite and then remove it, by wide radical excision, before it can do any further ill to the corpus – we the church militant.

What is this fomite; this “smoke of satan”? What vector (or agent) does it use to transmit and infect the host? Who are the carriers (hosts who don’t succumb rapidly) who also infect others? We will look at the three parts of this plague puzzle – the fomite, the vector and the carriers. Make no mistake, this is a plague and it is pandemic; making the Black Death of the 1300’s look like the common cold.

Like most infections we first note the signs and symptoms it ravages on the body before delving into the pathology.

How, why, and when did all this deception and evil get started? Of course it all began in the Garden of Eden, but that’s the short answer. The Bible was the unquestioned source of truth and knowledge until the mid 1700’s. With the advent of the Age of Enlightenment and Reason also came much dysfunctional thinking. The Bible began to be questioned as to its validity. Not looked at by some as the inspired, inerrant word of the living God, it was tossed aside in favor of more modern theories by fallible men.

The Bible has a chronology on the age of the earth starting with Creation week, culminating with the formation of Adam and Eve. You then get the “begats”. Adam begat Seth who begat Enos who begat….through Noah…… through Abraham….through the House of David….. and ultimately, Jesus. The Magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church has never denied this chronology. No Papal Encyclical has ever questioned it. When you add up this timeline of begats, it’s about 4000 years from Adam to Christ. And of course from Jesus’ birth to the present day is another around 2000 years, which gives you a total of about 6000 years of earth history. You read that correctly – 6000 years total.

Several influential men, in the mid 1700’s to early 1800’s, proposed that the earth was much older. Eventually one man, Charles Lyell, synthesized this into his three volume treatise, “The Principles of Geology”. It attacked the one all-encompassing hydraulic cataclysmic event – the Noahic Flood, and indirectly therefore, the Bible. Lyell’s approach was one of slow, relentless gradualistic change over eons of time; not the one cataclysmic event of Noah’s Deluge around 4400 years ago. No world-wide flood, just slow continuous change. He proposed that all geologic processes and events on the globe have remained relatively of the same force and intensity as they always have over millions of years – a hurricane here, a local flood and earthquake there, a volcanic eruption at times. “The present is the key to the past”. This concept was rapidly accepted by many scientists and, in short order, by even the hierarchy of the Church. This first major misstep began the self destruction of both the Church and the Bible. P.S. The reality of Adam and Eve, Noah’s Flood and the “begats” were quietly dispensed with.

Lyell published his first volume of “Principles” in 1830. A little known event, at the time, also took place in 1830 to a young French girl named Zoe. You know her better as St. Catherine Laboure of the Miraculous Medal. When the Blessed Mother appeared to her they spoke for two hours at this first of several apparitions. The Virgin warned Catherine of “bad times ahead”: The world to be plunged into “confusion through many incidents;” and that the “cross will be treated with contempt.” Charles Lyell meanwhile became mentor to another man by the name of Charles, last name Darwin. That first volume of his, “Principles of Geology” was given to Darwin a year later when Darwin made that famous voyage on the Beagle to the Galapagos Islands. These islands were the seeding ground, in conjunction with Lyell’s book, for Darwin’s percolating ideas on the theory of evolution. Subsequently, he put in writing those ideas in his infamous book – ‘On the Origin of the Species’. The entire world has never been the same since. Let’s see, Lyell published his “Principles” in 1830 and The Blessed Virgin appears with her first dire warnings for mankind in 1830 to St. Catherine Laboure. Coincidence? I think not.

You say you believe in evolution and millions of years. Besides what do evolution/millions of years (FOMITE) have to do with anything going on today?

ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All the above ills, plus pornography, removal of Ten Commandments, crèches and crosses outlawed. Gee, just as Our Lady predicted: Corrupt politicians, corrupt corporations, corrupt unions, corrupt banks, PETA, NAMBLA, racism, the KKK, Radical Environmentalism (CARRIERS).

If you are a truly practicing Catholic, your head is swimming by now, wondering how all these tie into evolution and millions of years, since of course your priest and the nuns (CARRIERS) have stated that it is OK to believe in evolution and millions of years (FOMITE), as long as you love Jesus. So then why are we losing our youth?

Remember Our Lady stated at Fatima that “Russia will spread her errors throughout the world.” What errors? Well, of course, godless communism. Isn’t that what we have been taught? Karl Marx, who wrote ‘Das Kapital’, his opus of socialistic philosophy on government, dedicated the 2nd edition of his master work to his friend – Charles Darwin. Did you know they were friends and contemporaries? Marx needed “scientific” support to underpin his writing. All socialism/communism (VECTOR) is based on evolution (FOMITE). I know, so what?

Evolution by definition is a totally undirected and blindless process of nature “red in tooth and claw.” Carl Sagan – “The secrets of evolution are death and time – the deaths of an enormous number of life-forms that were imperfectly adapted to the environment; and time for a long succession of small mutations.” I can hear it now: God may have used evolution (death) to create. I know you have heard this from the pulpit (CARRIER), or some nun (CARRIER) in parochial school, or even read it in some Catholic book (CARRIER) with an Imprimatur in it no less. OK, stoke up the fires. Which of these heretics do we start burning at the stake first?

One of the first, if not first, dogmas of all of Christianity in the Canon Law of our faith is that there was no death before Adam. Death and suffering came as a result of Adam’s sin and “we know that every creature groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.” Romans 8:22. This is absolutely crucial to understand: Evolution demands death of these life-forms so that the whole process can continue to advance ever upward and onward through the supposed millennia. C’mon you know the mantra of protozoa to professional: The warm little pond scenario where chemicals somehow got together to form unicellular organisms, which evolved to the invertebrates, the fishes, the amphibians through the reptiles, birds, mammals, and then man. Man – you know, like Adam.

If all matter, from the furthest galaxies down to sub-atomic particles, are here by total blind random chance, and this is what evolution dictates, who are you answerable to? Answer – no one but yourself. Truth is then a relative concept. Do your own thing. Steal, rape, rob, lie, rip off – in the end there are No morals, No ethics, No Heaven, No Hell, No reward, and definitely, No retribution. Upon death, you just become worm food!!

And then on top of all this, many religious (CARRIERS) tell us that Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden were metaphor or allegory; a fancy way of saying fairytale. So now you have many religious teaching pagan philosophies of death, disease and suffering before Adam; and that he was a fictitious character anyway, who did not live in real history, i.e. in real space and time. That he was a religious construct by the ancient Hebrews to teach some moral lessons. Your kids or grandkids are in school learning Darwin (evolution), i.e. “real science”. If evolution is true, (and of course it’s not), then there is no need of a God, and the Bible is just a bunch of stories!! Your kids, the politicians, the ACLU and PETA, etc. (CARRIERS) understand this only all too clearly. No God = No Rules. No God = No guilt, No remorse, No right, No wrong. Therefore: No sin. Sin is a strictly a religious/God concept. No God = No sin! Show me the science text where God assists or intervenes in the evolutionary process. Show me!!

The liberals and the progressives (CARRIERS) laugh at us when we insist that God could have used evolution. They understand our Theology better than we do. For God to have used evolution in any way, shape or form would have meant death and suffering before Adam/man evolved or was created. So what, you say? Answer: Then why would you need a Savior if death (evolution) had been occurring for all those supposed “millions of years” of advancing onward and upward? Christ came to save us from sin and death as a result of Adam’s Original sin – eating the forbidden fruit. Death, disease and suffering exist because of Adam (Gen. 3:17-19); your only other option is it has always existed via evolution. P.S. And if Adam is some kind of allegory or metaphor, would you send your son to die for a fairytale? I think not!

This statement from an “educated” atheist (CARRIER) shows he understands our Theology better than many of our own religious:

“Christianity has fought, still fights, and will fight science to the desperate end over evolution, because evolution destroys utterly and finally the very reason Jesus’ earthly life was made necessary. Destroy Adam and Eve and the original sin, and in the rubble you will find the sorry remains of the son of god. Take away the meaning of his death. If Jesus was not the redeemer who died for our sins, and this is what evolution means, then Christianity is nothing!” – G. Richard Bozarth, “The Meaning of Evolution”, American Atheist, February 1978, pp. 19, 30

The point of my article is to show how we have gotten into this moral mess and morass. If you wish to read the scientific evidences against evolution, which is way beyond the scope of this didactic read To Hell In A Handbasket.

A couple of quick points of evidence against evolution (FOMITE) before we proceed: If you are of color and still believe in evolution, where on the evolutionary totem pole are you? If evolution is true, then you must subscribe to the fact that a branch of the simians (apes) broke off and evolved into the hominids. Virtually all evolutionary anthropologists (CARRIERS) agree that the first human to evolve from these hominids occurred in Africa. You know, cover of Time magazine, Louis Leaky, Johanson and Lucy. And of course what color was Lucy? Black. Great, what was the next color to evolve upward and onward? Brown, yellow, Caucasian? The Aryan Race!! Oops, sounds like you have a problem now. So unless you wish to be toward the bottom of that racist evolutionary totem pole…….P.S. Did you know that Darwin’s book “Origin” had a sub-title? “The preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life”. Ooooh, favored races. Sounds a little bigoted and racist to me.

Are you thinking, I wonder what color were our first parents Adam and Eve? They were mid-brown. Do your high school Punnett Square cross of mid-brown with mid-brown, and all of Adam and Eve’s offspring (and there were many) ranged from white to black, and every shade in between.

Dinosaur DNA, has been discovered through intact red blood cells. So what? C’mon- 65 million year old intact dinosaur blood cells? Egyptian mummy DNA 3-4 thousand years old – OK; but 65 million year old dinosaur blood cells still intact? I don’t think so! The world is just not that old. Dinosaurs buried in Noah’s Flood, of only 4400 years ago, makes more sense. The fossil layers were either laid down by the worldwide Noahic Deluge or slowly over millions of years (death before Adam).

STOP! THINK! The lynchpin to accepting evolution/millions of years as fact, hinges on the destruction of Noah’s Flood. Lyell in his geologic brief (he was a lawyer) argued his case of a slow and gradual buildup of the sedimentary fossil layers (i.e. still by water) over the millennia (death before Adam). The global hydraulic cataclysmic year long Biblical Deluge which actually laid down those fossil layers quickly, did so just 4000+ years ago. The fossil layers represent a literal concrete record of death (after Adam); and that there is a God who punishes sin – BIG TIME !

Radiometric dating: very inaccurate. Really? Really! When you test the lava dome on Mount St. Helen’s 1980 eruption, and other volcanic lava flows from known eruptions of modern times, 1800’s – present: Do you know what the potassium-argon, the ‘gold standard’ of decay studies, show? Millions of years!! Can’t be! Do your own research on this.

The atheists must have the “millions of years”. You can’t get evolution (all these advanced life-forms) in a short span of time (like the Biblical 6000 years). Time is their magic factor!!! Only other possibility is creation by Divine fiat, i.e. “In the beginning God…” Genesis 1:1

Let’s face it, no one, and I mean no one, likes to be answerable to anyone but himself. This is not some new concept. It permeates the Bible from Adam to Cain killing Abel to Pontius Pilate asking Jesus – “Quid est Vertias?” What is truth? Jesus’ reply – “To this end I was born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Everyone that is of the truth hearth my voice.” John 18:37. He was trying to tell Pilate that He is truth and that His word is truth. “The word was made flesh, and dwelt among us” John 1:14. Christ is the word. Christ is the truth. Or was Christ lying to us when he spoke of Adam and Eve, Noah, and Moses? (Mark 10:6-9;

Matt. 24: 37-39; John 5:46) Either these events happened in real space and time, i.e. real history, or Jesus was a liar – period! Yeah sure, metaphor and allegory; you can’t have it both ways. The youth understand that the Bible is being compromised, they see through the hypocrisy; and you wonder why they are leaving in droves?

Let’s look at this timeline of the decay of Christianity, as Evolution/Millions of Years (FOMITE) became more and more accepted. And, as it became more popular the behavior and attitude of multitudes around the world changed radically for the worse. Note well – that millions of years came to be accepted first, before Darwinian evolution. Also you will note that Charles Darwin was not the first to advance a theory of evolution.

Keep in mind that man, by his very nature, always seeks something greater outside of himself. If you convince him that there is no God, he will still seek a higher power – be it The Force, Yoda, Mother Gaia (earth), magic crystals, eywa from the Avatar movie, you name it. But what is the easiest most tangible power to look up to who will “help” you? – The Almighty Government! Watch this timeline transition to the “Government as God” by the use of evolution/millions of years (FOMITE) and socialism/communism (VECTOR), which work together hand-in-hand. The timeline is, for the most part, a list of CARRIERS.

1600 – Francis Bacon – belief in God, but Bible not needed to understand the world.

1633 – Galileo – finally condemned by the Holy Office as “vehemently suspected of heresy.” He was to renounce the Copernican (heliocentric) Theory and to keep silent on it for the remainder of his life. The Catholic Church had adhered to the science of the day, by aligning itself with the 1900 year old Aristotelian and Ptolemaic geocentric theory (words of fallible men) that all the planets and sun revolve around the earth. The Catholic Church is in essence making the same mistake now by aligning itself with today’s science of the day – evolution (words of fallible men); instead of the words of God – The Bible. The Church has continued to kowtow to this philosophy of evolution, even after being burned in the Galileo affair.

@1750 – Comte de Buffon –belief in God, but believed in an old earth.

@ 1760 – Voltaire – a deist, mostly a pantheist and libertine. Despised Roman Catholicism.

@1780 – Immanuel Kant – belief in God, but no proof of a God, and that reason trumps religion, influenced Georg Hegel.

1785 – James Hutton – Father of Modern Geology, belief in long ages, and that God set up the world, but no longer intervenes.

@1794 – Erasmus Darwin – Charles’ Grandfather, major influence, wrote ‘Zoonomia’ – belief in long ages, and evolution.

@1800 – Georg Hegel –Discounted the supernatural elements of the Bible as mythology. Christianity has a negative effect on society. A new religion built on scientific reason was needed. Writings socialistic, and considered a precursor to Marxism.

@1800 – Christianity begins to compromise the Bible with belief in long ages; deferring to the “accuracy” of science (evolution). Each day of creation week in Genesis ultimately modified to long ages.

1809 – Lamarck – belief in evolution, use and disuse theory, did believe in God.

1813 – Georges Cuvier – belief in old earth and multiple catastrophes, but not in the one Flood of Noah.

1830 – Charles Lyell – Darwin’s mentor, belief in long ages, no catastrophes, no Noah’s Flood, no God.

1830 – St. Catherine Laboure – first dire warnings from the Blessed Virgin. Request for Miraculous Medal.

1831 – Lyell gives Darwin his “Principles of Geology” before he embarked on the voyage of the Beagle.

1838 – Amsel Rothschild – “Let me issue and control a nation’s money, and I care not who makes its laws.” @1845 – Soren Kierkegaard – “subjectivity is truth, truth is subjectivity.” Did believe in a god.

1856 – Neanderthal man discovered – atheists go wild. Later proven to be just a human.

1858 – St. Bernadette – Our Lady of Lourdes “penitence, penitence, penitence” and “kiss the ground on behalf of sinners”.

1859 – Darwin – publishes “On the Origin of the Species”.

1860 – Thomas Huxley – “Darwin’s Bulldog” debates Bishop “Soapy Sam” Wilberforce on the first Creation/Evolution debate. Wilberforce loses. All hell is about to break loose!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1864 – Francis Galton – cousin to Charles Darwin. Coined the term “eugenics”: “The creed of eugenics is founded upon the idea of evolution.” “The feeble nations of the world are necessarily giving way before the nobler varieties of mankind.” No God.

1867 – Karl Marx – Atheist – writes “Das Kapital” regarding the just (re)distribution of wealth by government. Gives signed copy to “my friend Charles Darwin”.

1868 – Ernst Haeckel – Falsified embryological drawings of human “recapitulation” which is still in textbooks in some form. Proponent of scientific racism. God is nature. Hitler loved his writings.

1868 – First Vatican Council – preparations started in 1864 convened to deal with the contemporary problems of rationalism, liberalism, and materialism. Note: evolution being a part of materialism.

1872 – Friedrich Nietzsche – Atheist – “God is Dead”. “modern science (evolution) had killed God”, which lead
to a loss of any coherent objective truth. He heavily criticized Christianity. “People with mental disorders are more likely to believe in God”.

@1879 – Wilhelm Wundt –Father of Experimental Psychology, believed “man is just an animal…without a soul”.

@1880 – Julius Wellhausen (a theologian) concocts the J,E,D,P Hypothesis which planted seeds of future doubt regarding divine authorship of the first five books of the Bible (the Mosaic Pentateuch). This has evolved today to many biblical scholars rejecting a literal Genesis; and the plagues of Egypt as being simply naturally occurring events in nature. People now look at Bible stories as just that – children’s fairytales!

@1885 – Friedrick Engels – Atheist – “Manifesto of the Communist Party” and “The Part Played by Labour in the Transition Of Ape to Man”. Collaborated with Karl Marx.

1891 – Java Man – discovered by Eugene Dubois. In 1939 on his death bed he recanted. They were the bones of a gibbon (ape).

@1895 – Sigmund Freud – Father of Psychiatry, owned and made used of Darwin’s writings. “God is an illusion” and “religious belief is a childhood neurosis and infantile delusion”. THINK !! Patients today are being counseled based on evolution not God. A pill(s) may change your behavior but not your thought process that your mind is that of an animal, rather than in God’s image – “Thou madest him a little lower than the angels; thou crownedst him with glory and honour….” Hebrews 2:7

@1900 – Andrew Carnegie – a big industrialist and businessman. “Not only had I gotten rid of theology and the supernatural, but I had found the truth of evolution.” Beginning of Capitalism and big business being looked upon as evil. Many (not all) of these businessmen fell prey to the Darwinian thought process that workers were just human slugs; cogs in the evolutionary work wheel of progress.

@1907 – Theodore Roosevelt – US President, started a Eugenics movement. “I wish that the wrong people… (were) prevented from breeding.” “Nine out of ten Indians should be dead Indians.”

1912 – Piltdown Man discovered. Finally in 1950 the hoax was exposed: It was the jaw of an ape and the skull of a modern human. Teeth were filed down and skull stained to look old. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, a Jesuit Catholic priest was allegedly involved. He was a major proponent of the evolution theory.

1913 – Federal Reserve created by a cabal of international bankers to defraud the public. The prevailing opinion of most of the bankers and industrialists of the day was the “survival of the fittest”. We are surviving, so we must be the fittest. The worker and the public be damned. Currently the FED is printing paper with ink on it called dollar bills, with nothing tangible (i.e. gold, silver) to back it.

1913 – Pres. Woodrow Wilson – “I have unwittingly ruined my country….and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. No longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.” Statement made shortly after signing the Federal Reserve into existence.

@1915 – Thomas Edison –“Nature made us….not the Gods of religion.” Yes, the light bulb guy.

1915 – Ku Klux Klan – its second formation sparked by the film ‘Birth of a Nation’. Film depicted blacks (white actors in blackface) portraying blacks as aggressively ape-like, especially toward white women. The Klan rides in to assert and defend their ‘Aryan’ heritage. Belief in evolution. The KKK became the militaristic arm of the Democrat Party.

1917 – July – Our Lady of Fatima – “Russia will spread her errors throughout the world.” Russia was still a Catholic nation at the time, ruled by Czar Nicholas II. Catholic hierarchy confused by her statement. Miracle of the Sun: 70,000 witnesses.

1917 – October – Russian Revolution – the communists (evolutionists) take over. Religion is outlawed.

1918 – Lenin – Chairman of the Communist Party in Russia. Issued a mandate titled ‘Decree on Land’ which declared all forests, waters and minerals to be the property of the state. Start of the Green movement.

@1919 – Antonio Gramsci – Founder of the Communist Party of Italy. He was backed by Lenin. His writings have been extremely influential with atheists, humanists, and communists.

@1920 – John Dewey – considered to be the Father of Modern American Education. An acknowledged atheist and humanist. Reflect on his depraved mentoring of many a student teacher under his tutelage. Starting point for socialism/communism/evolution being taught today at all levels in our education system. One of the original signers of the Humanist Manifesto of 1933.

@1920’s – Present Courts start moving from Common Law to Case Law and Legal Positivism – the mindset of English Common Law (common sense) which was Biblically based. Since the Bible was being “proved” not to be error free, our legal system moved toward Case Law which is based on prior judicial (judges) decisions (man’s opinion, not God’s Laws). Legal Positivism being taught in our Law Schools today, “posits” that laws are created and interpreted upon the prevailing human behavior of the day. Man now dictates what is right and wrong, based upon whatever conventions are currently fashionable.

1920 – American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) formed by Roger Baldwin and others. “Communism is the goal”.

@1923 – Margaret Sanger – Founder of what is now called Planned Parenthood. Acknowledged birth control advocate and eugenicist. There is strong evidence that the Nazi’s eugenics programs were influenced by her writings. “The most merciful thing that a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.” The purpose of birth control is to “create a race of thoroughbreds”. “A woman’s physical satisfaction was more important than any marriage vow.” “We do not want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population.” The majority of Planned Parenthood “clinics” today, are located in the inner cities.

1924 – Leopold and Loeb – two wealthy Univ. of Chicago law students murder a 14 y.o. boy, “just to see what it felt like.” Admit philosophy of Nietzsche (“God is Dead”) caused them to act.

1925 – Adolph Hitler – writes “Mein Kampf”, Jew is sub-ape. Aryan race the epitome of human evolution.

1925 – Scopes “Monkey Trial” – ACLU defense of John Scopes, tested the Butler Act in Tennessee, which permitted only Creationism be taught in its schools. Christianity won the trial, but lost the war.

1926 – Stalin ordered Russia’s top animal breeding scientist Ilya Ivanov to create a race of superwarriors, “a new invincible human being”. Human females were inseminated with monkey sperm. Needless to say it failed. Today’s scientists have been asked to do the same. It’s called Transhumanism being done by genetic engineering. Man is still considered just an evolved animal. If they only read the ultimate designer’s manual (the Bible). “…there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of beasts…” 1 Cor. 15:39

1927 – Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. – Justice of the Supreme Court. Quote on evolution: “Man’s mind, stretched by a new idea, never goes back to its original dimensions”. Regarding the need for sterilization in Buck v. Bell: “Three generations of imbeciles are enough”. Supreme Court becoming evolutionized !!

1932 – Tuskegee Study of untreated Syphilis in Black males ran until 1972, to see the effects of the progression of the disease if left untreated. Hey, Black people are just one step above ape on that evolutionary totem pole.

1933 – Humanist Manifesto I – “…humanists regard the universe as self existing and not created. …and that he (man) has emerged as the result of a continuous process (evolution)”.

1936 – Munich Olympics – Hitler storms out of the stadium when Jesse Owens (Black) wins 4th Gold. His Aryan supermen were “racing against an animal.”

1936 – Formation of the Pontifical Academy of Science (PAS) – created to advise the Pope and the College of Cardinals on scientific matters. The members, elected for life, are of all different religions. Virtually all are evolutionists and atheists. No scientific papers are ever allowed to be presented for their review which are contrary to evolutionary theory/millions of years. Stephen Hawking, the famous Astrophysicist, is a member of the PAS. He is an outspoken atheist and patron of many strip clubs.

1940 – Hitler and the Nazis formulate “The Final Solution” for the extermination of the Jews (Sub-Ape).

1941 – Dr. Josef Mengele a Nazi surgeon experimented on 1500 sets of live human twins; sewing some together, and interchanging body parts. Less than 200 individuals survived the studies. Humans are just animals.

1947 – Everson vs. Board of Education – the court, for the first time in 170 years, takes out of context from Jefferson’s letter only 8 words, “a wall of separation between church and state”. The court sets a new precedent in that it changes the Founders meaning of ‘church’ to now mean, any religious activity. The court system’s first major move into a realm of anti-Christian action, without prior legal precedent.

1961 – Torcaso v. Watkins – courts rule that secular humanism was a legitimate religion – equivalent to Christ- ianity under the law. It is a religious philosophy (evolution) based upon man, not upon God.

1963 – Murray v. Curlett and Abington v. Schempp – ended prayer and Bible reading in public schools. The court noted: “If portions of the New Testament were read without explanation, they could be and … had been psychologically harmful to the child.”

@1964 – President Lyndon B. Johnson – “I’ll have them n****rs voting democratic for the next 200 years”. Speaking to two like minded governors aboard Air Force One about his true motivations regarding his support of civil rights legislation. LBJ, prior to becoming President, opposed legislation favoring Civil rights for African-Americans. Buying votes for Democrat socialistic power and control in exchange for a growing list of entitlement program freebies. Many of these programs have “freed” women from the need of a husband. Government has become the “provider” in absentia. This has led to an explosion in out of wedlock births; which has led to boys growing up without a father to properly mentor them; which has led to gangs, crime, murder and drug abuse skyrocketing. This has metastasized to the illegal alien community and even the middle class populations as well. Since 1945 (past 67 years) Dems have controlled the House 59 years and the Senate 57 years.

1965 – Second Vatican Council comes to a close.

1965 –Our Lady of Garabandal – “Many cardinals, many bishops and many priests are on the road to perdition and are taking many souls with them.” That the Church will face a great tribulation. When the BVM was asked, by the seers, what this great trial was called, the BVM said it was “communism”.

1970 – Earth Day – started. Celebrated on April 22nd each year, the birthday of Karl Marx. Worship of earth (mother Gaia). She gave “birth” (evolution) to all of us. Not unusual to see signs/placards reading: ‘Save The Planet, Kill Yourself.’

1972 – Dr. Steven J. Gould – Harvard evolutionary biologist, and self proclaimed atheist and Marxist. Developed “Theory of Punctuated Equilibrium” that evolution advances in short staccato jumps rather than a slow continuous process.

1972 – Pope Paul VI – “The smoke of satan has entered the church”. Bella Dodd (a former communist) stated to Bishop Fulton J. Sheen: “In the 1930’s we put 1100 men into the priesthood in order to destroy the Church from within. Right now they are in the highest places….”

1973 – Roe v. Wade – Supreme Court of the U.S. legalizes abortion, the murder of the innocent. The human fetus is not made is the ‘image of God’, it’s just a ‘blob of protoplasm’, a ‘worm’s ancestor’.

1973 – Our Lady of Akita, Japan – October 13th (last Fatima apparition anniversary) “As I told you, if men do not repent and better themselves, the Father will inflict a terrible punishment on all humanity. It will be a punishment greater than the deluge, such as one will never have seen before. Fire will fall from the sky and will wipe out a great part of humanity, the good as well as the bad, sparing neither priests nor faithful. The survivors will find themselves so desolate that they will envy the dead.”

1973 – Social Justice and Liberation Theology begin in Columbia. Both condemned by Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI as offshoots of socialism and communism: That wealth (fruits of your labors) should be spread out and shared equally with all; and that the government was the best agency to enforce this
“tithe”. Being as there is no God, the government will act in God’s stead to distribute the wealth.

1977 – Theriault v. Silber and Malnak v. Yogi, the courts state that Atheism was a religion. People may now give contributions to satanic groups and get the same tax deductions as people who give contributions to Christian churches. We must be fair, equitable and tolerant of all religions.

1980 – Stone v. Graham, Copies of Ten Commandments to be removed from schools. Court note: “If the posted copies of the Ten Commandments are to have any effect at all, it will be to induce the schoolchildren to read, meditate upon, perhaps to venerate and obey the Commandments … (This) is not … a permissible … objective.”

1980 – PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) founded. Would like apes to have equal legal rights with humans; since we evolved from them, they are our relatives. PETA wants to outlaw leather, fur and the consumption of all meats. PETA’s mission is more than mistreatment of animals (something we all agree is wrong.)

1981 – Present Medjugorje (located in former Yugoslavia) The longest ongoing apparitions of the Blessed Mother. Three of the six visionaries are still getting daily messages. The BVM is asking the world for prayer, peace, penance, fasting, and conversion to God. There are ten secrets the visionaries have received and they include chastisements for humanity. Fatima’s “Miracle of the Sun” continues to be repeated.

1981 – Pres. Jimmy Carter, awards the Medal of Freedom to ACLU founder Roger Baldwin. This is the highest civilian medal that is awarded by our government.

1981 – EWTN and MTV both founded. Good v. Evil.

1987 – Edwards v. Aguillard, court ruled that a Louisiana law requiring that Creation science be taught in public schools, along with evolution, was unconstitutional.

1987 – Kendrick v. Bowen, the courts ruled that abstinence was a religious teaching, and to teach it to students would violate the Constitution.

1990’s – Ethnic Cleansing in Bosnia and Rwanda: an intent, through genocide, in order to create a people of
a homogeneous or pure ethnicity. One million butchered in 100 days in Rwanda alone. One of the legacies left by the former Belgium occupation was a declaration that one of the tribal groups was “less evolved”, became “official colonial ideology” and generated bitter resentment between the Hutus and Tutsis. More shades of Darwin’s “favored races!?”

1993 – Girl Scouts USA – (formerly Christian) opened their leader ranks to lesbians and atheists and adopted a policy of allowing girls to substitute “Allah” or “Buddha” in the girl scout promise.

1994 – Jeffrey Dahmer – killed in prison. Convicted for the rape, murder and dismemberment of 17 men and boys involving necrophilia and cannibalism. CNN Larry King interview with Jeffrey’s father, Lionel: “He (Jeffrey) sent away for 13 books (while in jail)…(from) the Institute of Creation Research. And he bought (the) 13 books that turned him from a – an evolutionist into a Creationist, and from there into a Christian”.

1995 – Harris v. Joint, the courts determined that there could not be a student invocation at graduation.

@1995 – Charles Templeton – final book – “Farwell to God”, once an evangelist alongside Billy Graham, later embraced evolution and millions of years while attending Princeton Seminary. Died in 2001 in disbelief. (In North America alone, between 1966 and 1976, some 10,000 priests and 50,000 nuns left their vocations …marking an unprecedented collapse of faith within the Catholic Church).

1998 – Clinton-Lewinsky Scandal, ABC News Poll: 68% felt he should remain in office. 64% felt this was a private matter, and had nothing to do with his performance as President. There is no right, no wrong, no guilt and no remorse if evolution is true.

1998 – Kip Kinkle – 15 y.o murders parents, then goes on a shooting rampage at school, 2 dead, 25 wounded.
“If there was a God, he wouldn’t let me feel the way I do. There is no God only hate.” Guess he learned his evolution lessons well.

1999 – Columbine School – Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold killed 12 and wounded 21 others before committing suicide. In the Basement Tapes documented by the FBI – Harris: speaking of Jesus, “Go Romans! Thank God they crucified that A**h***”. Klebold: “…we’ve evolved one step above you f***ing human s**t”. The boys then speculate whether Steven Speilberg or Quentin Tarantino should do their film planning the Columbine massacre. The day of the shooting, Klebold’s T-shirt read “Wrath” and Harris’ read “Natural Selection”. They specifically picked April 20th, Hitler’s birthday to perform their deed.

2002 – Catholic Priest pedophile scandal peaks. Giving only lip service to the God he has vowed to serve, unless he believed in evolution (no God), there is no way a priest could perform such vile acts. “But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea”. Matthew 18:6

2003 – Lawrence v. Texas, court overturns sodomy rules. Justice Antonin Scalia (a Catholic) issued a blistering dissent charging that Lawrence “effectively decrees the end of all morals legislation”. Many others in the field of jurisprudence agree that this opens the door to gay marriage, incest, polygamy, zoophilia. If evolut- ion is true and I want to marry my sister or a pig, or both, tell me I’m wrong. You can’t!

@2006 – Richard Dawkins – famous author and atheist. “The universe that we observe has precisely the properties we should expect if there is, at bottom, no design, no purpose, no evil, no good, nothing but blind pitiless indifference.” “It is absolutely safe to say that if you meet somebody who claims not to believe in evolution, that person is ignorant, stupid or insane ( or wicked, but I’d rather not consider that)”, “…any fetus is less human than an adult pig”.

2007 – Virginia Tech Massacre, Seung-Hui Cho kills 32 and wounds 17. Influenced by Darwinist ideals. Among his notes he wrote that “the weak had to die”. He railed against his family’s strong Christian faith. “Jesus was crucifying me. When the time came, I did it. I had no choice…” He was deemed to be “mentally ill” by a mental health evaluator and was to seek outpatient counseling.

2007 – Barack Obama – prior to his Presidency stated “we are no longer a Christian nation.” Acolyte of Saul Alinsky, and for years Obama taught his method in Chicago. Alinsky’s book “Rules for Radicals” was dedicated to Lucifer, “…to the very first radical…”.

@2008 –President Obama’s personally appointed Czars:
Van Jones – Green Czar – Avowed Marxist and communist. “Grant Mother Nature same rights as humans”.

Kevin Jennings – Safe Schools Czar – Gay pedophile and NAMBLA supporter. Founder of the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network. Author of “Queering Elementary Education”.

Elizabeth Warren – Consumer Czar – communist Senate candidate. Praises Communist China as a “model for America”.

John Holdren – Science Czar – has communist party connections. Wants “forced abortions and sterilization” for population control.

Cass Sunstein – Federal Regulation Czar – communist. “I will suggest that animals should be permitted to bring suit, with human beings as their representatives, to prevent violations of current law”.
Mark Lloyd – FCC Diversity Czar – i.e. code word to shut down all non-progressive press. “Freedom of speech is a distraction”.

2009 – Dept. of Homeland Security (DHS) – Janet Napolitano’s report suggests that Christians (and other conser- vative groups) might be a possible “terror threat” to our nation. Well duhhh! Of course we Christians are a “threat”. We are answerable to a higher power – God; not to some non elected government bureaucrat.

2011 – Obama allows homosexuals to serve openly in the military, reversing a policy originally instituted by George Washington in March 1778. No nation on earth has survived intact with an openly gay military.

2011 – The Air Force Academy to add a Stonehenge-like worship center for pagans, druids, witches and Wiccans. All religions must be given equal treatment under the law; since we all believe in evolution to some degree anyway.

2012 – Jake Danishevsky – born in the former Soviet Union. Author of the book ‘After Tales and Tastes from Russia’. “Once you implement that system and that mentality, it becomes a society of everyone being equal… equally miserable”.

2013 – National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) – signed by Pres. Obama, may detain (arrest) for an indefinite length of time any American citizen without an attorney nor trial. Sounds communistic to me.

2013 – Gay Marriage – there are now 13 states with same sex marriage. If evolution is true, then the Bible
is just a bunch of homophobic fairytales. Romans 1:26-27 and Leviticus 18:22 calls it an “abomination”.

2013 – June 26th – The National Cathedral in D.C. peeled its bells for almost an hour celebrating the Supreme Court’s ruling regarding same sex “marriage”. Other D.C. churches chimed in as well. I thought Genesis was about God creating Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. “This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh.” Genesis 2:22-23 However, these are only Bible stories – fairytales. Evolution has “proven” the Bible wrong. We are an enlightened and tolerant society now – more fair and equal.

2013 – The Boy Scouts (formerly Christian) have now changed their policy and will accept openly gay scouts to join. The scout oath about being “…morally straight” will need to be changed. The nights in the tent are
going to be different now.

2013 – Obama administration officials briefing U.S. Army soldiers placed “Evangelical Christianity” and “Cathol- icism” in a list that also included Al-Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood, and Hamas as examples of “religious extremism.” Bunch of judgmental radicals and bigots, that’s us. We believe in God’s absolutes.

2013 – Detroit – once the richest per capita city in the U.S., files for bankruptcy. Unparalleled levels of graft, corruption, and kickbacks led to its demise. Since there is no heaven nor hell (no punishment); politicians and union bosses look out after #1 and screw the worker/citizen. Which city or state is next? We have become pagan Rome.

2013 – Plan B – the FDA announces that the morning after pill, an abortifacient, can be sold, over the counter, to anyone of any age! Why not? There is no good, no evil. How dare you Christians be judgmental!!!

2014 and beyond???????????

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it” – Joseph Goebbels, Hitler’s Propaganda Minister.

Gene Conti, MD – Is a Roman Catholic who has been practicing Emergency Medicine for over 30 years. Has taught science in High School and studied Marine Science at the Master’s level. He and his wife Barbara currently live in Roanoke, VA. He can be reached at: