For anyone who missed it, the first week of June 2017 witnessed a momentous event. The event will ripple not only throughout the vast Canada provinces where it was implemented, but the rest of the world. On June 1, Bill 89 called Supporting Children, Youth and Families Act in the Ontario legislature was passed by an overwhelming majority of 63 to 23 that the Ontario Government has the right to seize children from their parents opposing gender transition. Note the vote was not even close with a near 3 to 1 margin.
The Minister of Children and Youth Services said that “A parent’s failure to recognize and support a child’s gender identification is a form of child abuse, and a child in these circumstances should be removed from the situation and placed into protection.”
This bill replaces Bill 28, which is a more aggressive law governing foster care, adoption, and child protection in general. Like an earthquake, the aftershocks follow with this morally abhorrent legislation.
Child protective services in Ontario are now required to include a host of new factors such as ethnic origin, citizenship, diversity of the family, sexual orientation, and other issues giving the State a carte blanche to intervene in a family’s affairs with little to no legal recourse of the family. Bill 28 gave the parents the right “To direct a child’s education and religious upbringing.” This present bill strips that right. If one looks over the last generation at the gradual erosion of religious liberties and rights under a totalitarian state, by all historical measures, this is a gigantic assault on Christian values. It will produce a tsunami of heinous laws. With a new democratic administration in America in the foreseeable future, this will be voted into law immediately.
The ramifications of this legislation is breathtaking in scope because of the legal precedent it is setting for the government to intrude in any area of family structures WITH the support of government. The ruthless tentacles of secular structures now legally reaches into the classrooms choking the light and purity of faith, and has recently moved more virulently to the home. The vagueness of the Bill is as deceptive as the name of the Bill itself. This legislation is moral poison that will work its way throughout a lost and directionless western world.
This Bill does several harmful things, although we are just hitting the tip of the iceberg.
Bill 89:
- Sets children’s rights over parental rights
- Gives the State the legal right to intervene at will in family decisions
- It is directed at parents who home school where the State has tried now for decades to rid them from the earth
- It teaches a pagan agenda
- It gives a legal precedent for much broader interpretation of laws
- It makes a parent or grandparent guarded from teaching the authority of Scripture
- It will ripple throughout the world in a much broader fashion
- It is not a socialist, but a communist agenda
- The courts can hold a political opinion to determine what is best for the child rather than the family
- Last, but not least, it’s intent is to obliterate free speech.
This list is just for starters with parental rights in complete jeopardy with an authoritarian and godless State.
A Primer on the Language of Political Philosophy
Over the last twenty plus years we have a seen a much more accelerated decline in morals than in previous generations. If the decline once galloped, it now a full- fledged horse race to the abyss. Words are often used discussing political views often incorrectly. Language manipulation is used as a tool to disguise the intended purpose of legislation. There are many terms used to discuss a political philosophy. Several are: democratic, progressive, socialist, Fabian socialism, national socialism, democratic socialism, Marxism, Stalinism, Maoism, Leninism, Fascism, Communism, and so forth. These all have specific meanings, but are often misused in discussions because young talking heads being told what to spew by bosses really don’t know the difference. When a young broadcaster is making $500,000 a year and has use of the corporate jet, don’t expect independent thinking.
Of all the above, we’ll just touch on socialism and communism. Socialism is the gradual destruction of society through a slower process than communism. Communism is in a hurry, socialism is more patient to carry out an agenda. Mikhail Gorbachev as the former General Secretary of the Communist Party in what was once the USSR, said at the one thousand year Anniversary of Kiev Rus in 1988 “If the communists had implemented more of a socialist agenda rather than the violence the communists imposed, the experiment of the USSR would have succeeded.” Speaking at the Presidio in California, he would say that many times in differing ways as he looked back on the failed state of the USSR. Principally, he said it failed because Russian roots were Christian, and we failed to rid Christianity from the Russian soul before we imposed political structures.
As T.S. Elliot said, “The world will not perish with a bang, but it shall perish with a whimper.” The point is, inch by inch socialists have used the politics of Antonio Gramsci and the social and political structures of incrementally taking turf one yard at a time, year after year, decade after decade where national leaders are allowed to vote this type of law in motion — and then get elected again. Gramsci, as head of the Italian Communist Party at the time of the Russian Revolution, went to Russia to see it for himself. After spending a year there observing the aftermath of the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, Gramsci determined Russian communism would fail because it was too violent. Therefore, in what was arguably one of the greatest political minds since Machiavelli, Gramsci said the best way to win advancement through state control was incremental wins through socialism. A bite at a time can equal a sumptuous feast.
Communism by definition does not have to be violent as it was under Mao, Lenin, or Stalin. First, it has to rid the soul of Christ to achieve State goals. Communism by definition is simply a government without God. To achieve that goal, violence is used due to the fortitude of the believer fighting a godless state. Socialism with its indirect and slow approach to state control is like an anesthetic to a patient to numb the pain before a procedure.
The goal of socialism is to rid faith slowly like boiling the frog in water so it doesn’t know it is boiling to death. The United States and Canada has died by a thousand cuts and been numb to the truth for several generations, so we end up with legislation like this. Not to be too tough on Canada, the USA leads the pack in many areas of moral legislation — or lack of. Scandinavia and other western countries are well along the path of no return. The United States is in hot pursuit with judges legislating from the bench.
To make this clear, taking children from the home for teaching a Biblical view is communism at its finest. The LGBTQ community is moving forward with its promotion of a homosexual agenda now often sanctioned by churches of all denominations. One can now expect law on top of law legitimizing this behavior culminating in more of a general acceptance through resignation and acquiescence.
We fail to realize the treasure of our faith that brings peace and serenity in our homes, neighborhoods, and society—elements making up our culture. Many believers are culpable for not speaking up. Jewelers get used to fine stones.
Governments swing like financial markets. Up down, cold hot, stable and unstable. One day a conservative agenda, and the next a liberal usually due to abuse of governing bodies in knee jerk reactions to previous administrations. History shows us governments can be violent after one group feels they have no option but to start shooting. Anything in excess soon becomes its opposite.
Likewise, democracy without boundaries and constraints allows fascism.
Democracy in excess breeds a lawless society to contain the abuses of the rule of law. It is for this reason the framers of the U.S. Constitution said democracy can only exist within a Christian culture. Why, because Christianity has a belief system where one chooses obedience to God. A belief system larger than the individual because the believer chooses obedience to God’s laws because it is right, just and best for all. Democracy is based upon voluntary compliance of the law, and its Biblical principles brings an ordered civil society.
Sister Lucia of Fatima said the last assault of the devil would be on marriage and the family. Looking at the bold onslaught of the homosexual agenda in every area, it is now happening at a ferocious pace. Years before Sister Lucia died, she said the world was experiencing “Diabolical disorientation.”
In the June 2, 2017 the monthly message of the Blessed Mother at Medjugorje to Mirjiana something was said that may not have been said since the apparitions began in June of 1981. She said, “Be ready, this time is a turning point. That is why I am calling you anew to faith and hope.” The Blessed Mother is speaking to us as the Daughter of the Father, the Mother of the Son, and the Spouse of the Holy Spirit. She speaks with the consent and the authority of heaven.
It is time to speak up, because shortly you will have no voice if you don’t speak up now.
Jesus, I Trust in You.