A Cenacle with the Blessed Mother

In the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph

The below commentary is from the messages of the Marian Movement of Priests (MMP) from a close friend of Father Stefano Gobbi, by the name of Father Quartilio Gabrielli, and was written years ago. In an age of extreme confusion and division everywhere you look, another perspective for our times is given, using the Blessed Mother’s words. It is a message of Trust My Plan.  Has anyone ever gone wrong trusting her plan?

Around the year 2000 and beyond, several Cardinals in the Vatican tried to discredit the messages to Father Gobbi saying they were his “meditations,” and not locutions from the Blessed Mother. In the last several years, we have seen from Archbishop Vigano and others, speak of the Deep Church which is the ecclesiastical equivalent of the Deep State, with a globalist goal of state governance over the Church, or in essence merging together both entities to have the same goals. There are many in the Church that do not want any of the supernatural that comes when Heaven speaks to humanity, and Father Gobbi was a victim of this group. The messages of the MMP are of HOPE and TRIUMPH. Father Gobbi’s cause for beatification and canonization was opened in May 2024.

For a person looking to navigate the wide range of daily emotions, contemplating these words will bring solace and comfort to the heart, mind, and soul. Reading this will be like a soothing balm. It will be like a Cenacle with her, knowing and trusting her as a sure path to peace. However, the Church will experience a trial before the prophesied Triumph of the Immaculate Heart, and many will fall away. The Church and the world communicates in many forms seeking Heaven’s agenda, yet, right in front of us is the blaring truth leaving little speculation on what Heaven is in the process of achieving, and their plan for humanity. Father Gabrielli’s own narrative and messages from the MMP are below.


“…. Many are part of the Church only in a visible apparent way, while in reality they live against HER ……. outside the Church there are many who – without knowing it – belong deeply to the Lord and therefore also to his body, the Church …….. We know that in history there are moments in which God’s victory over the forces of evil is visible in a comforting way and there are moments in which, instead, the forces of evil obscure everything.” (Benedict XVI to Peter Seewald in: Benedict XVI. One Life, 2020)

BE JOYOUS, October 18, 1975, Feast of St Luke the Evangelist (MMP 83)

My Adversary will one day think that he is celebrating a complete victory: over the world, over the Church, over souls.

It will be only then that I will intervene – terrible and victorious – that his defeat may be all the greater when he is certain in his conviction that he has conquered once for all.

First of all, it is necessary that my Enemy have the impression of having conquered everything, of having everything now in his hands.   That is why he will be permitted to penetrate even into the interior of my church, and he will succeed in plunging the sanctuary of God into darkness.

Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary,

December 8, 2020

“In the end My Immaculate Heart will triumph,” Our Lady said to the little shepherds of Fatima, to let all of us know that we strive to follow her. These words are our comfort, the medicine for us as we move into the foretold times of the great tribulation. But are we sure we understand them well?

IN THE END. We, like the ones that understand this concept which speaks of victory, of Triumph. But these two concepts IN THE END, have we considered them well? Have we considered these two concepts IN THE END sufficiently?  Because we must not extrapolate from Mary’s phrases only what we like, at the risk of reducing their overall plan and modifying their meaning!

IN THE END: but of what end? At the end of a long and tiring struggle, the one we are experiencing today: a struggle, humanly speaking, with uncertain outcomes. A struggle that we have already talked about for a long time, from different angles, in previous letters.

But it does not hurt us to go deeper into this point, difficult for many even in the Movement of Mary, often difficult for each of us too.

Let us get help: we have already quoted, at the beginning of the letter, the enlightened words of the Pope Emeritus. Now let us first call to our aid the words of Sacred Scripture, then the messages of the Blue Book, which we must learn to “to ponder” continuously, thus hoping to gradually penetrate their very deep meaning.

Do not think that I have come to bring peace on earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. In fact, I have come to separate the son from the father, the daughter from the mother, the daughter-in-law from the mother-in-law: and man’s enemies will be those of his household”  (Mt 10:34-36).

Children, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, so many antichrists have already come, therefore we know that it is the last hour.  They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us; but they went out, that it might be plain that they all are not of us” (1 Jn 2: 18-19).

The Marian Priestly Movement, and the Marian Movement connected to it, are not a “separate body” from the Church of God: they are fully part of it. They are therefore not exempt from the great crisis, from the great division present today in the whole Church. This fact is very painful, for us, especially for the priests, and for the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  Unfortunately, in these moments it appears inevitable: Charity in TRUTH, Pope Benedict taught us. Without the Truth, Love cannot flow freely, and the claim to unity at all costs unfortunately becomes an illusion.

Easter represents the absolute victory of Christ. We will all participate in this triumph too. On one condition, however: that of knowing how to accept, with a generous heart, the harsh path that leads to it: sacrifice. Everyone, no one exempted, must in fact, walk this path. Without the cross there is no victory, there is no ascent to glory, there are no merits.

Those who have already taken and passed the inevitable tests; and those who harden their strength to face them are persuaded of this indispensable union with Jesus, who goes to Calvary and is crucified. We Adore you O CHRIST AND BY YOUR HOLY CROSS YOU HAVE REDEEMED THE WORLD.

(We need) an unlimited trust in the word of the Lord, an unshakable fidelity, through the Holy Cross, to his Church. In this way no fear can ever prevail” (Saint John XXIII., Speech April 18, 1962).

“The Cross establishes the distinction between good and evil; only through the saving cross is there salvation” (Saint John XXIII., Speech March 19, 1960).

Truth and Charity are definitely united in the Crucified and Risen Christ. Through the consecration lived to her Immaculate Heart, under the motion of the Holy Spirit, Our Lady precedes us and maternally helps us in the ascent of the mountain of Christ Crucified and Risen. With this decisive ascent you form your victorious group day by day.

Don Stefano Gobbi in his prophetic meditation in Collevalenza, July 4, 2003, explains that the battle of Gideon against the huge army of the Midianites is underway.

Fr. Gobbi was relating this to the remnant; from 32,000 the army was reduced to 300 obedient men, humbled by drinking water with their tongues only.  Not displaying FEAR.

Hence the remnant is selected.

Unfortunately, many of the Movement have turned back out of fear, out of misunderstanding, for many other reasons.  We are all in a time of great trial, even we of the Movement. Anyone who wants to remain faithful to Truth and Charity must accept misunderstanding, marginalization, persecution even BY THEIR OWN CONFRERES.

Our Lady of Sorrows, who is with her Crucified Son, tells us in many messages that this process will culminate in the martyrdom of many of her children. But precisely through this martyrdom Christ Crucified, through the crucified Immaculate Heart of His Mother, will actualize the Triumph of His Resurrection in the Church that will defeat the powers of darkness.

If we are afraid of the sacrifice of the Cross, it is logical that we go backwards and hide ourselves in the tortuousness of compromising with error, heresy and selfishness.

However, we shall walk along the path of the Immaculate Heart of Our Lady of Sorrows, in which the Truth and Charity of Christ Crucified are united.

MY PLAN, December 8, 1982, Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, (MMP 254)

“…There can be no descending to compromise with evil, because this road winds its way only over (the terrain) of enmity between these two opposed realities.….between God and Satan, between good and evil, between the spirit of the Jesus and the spirit of the world.”

By compromising, we eliminate ourselves from the victorious ranks of the Queen of Victories. Whoever wants to climb the harsh path of sacrifice, convinced that without the cross there is no victory of Truth and Charity over error, heresy, lies and selfishness, must be willing to accept misunderstanding, ‘marginalization and persecution also ″by his own.″  A heroic example of all this is offered to us by the servant of God, Don Dolindo Ruotolo.

Certainly, Mary wants to see us united, she asks us in many messages to sacrifice ourselves for this unity. But it is equally certain that this unity wants it in the Truth, and not at its expense: the fact that at this moment unity is so compromised is a clear signal of the struggle that the evil one has unleashed against God, hitting him where he can do it, that is, in his Church.

THE THIRD SIGN: DIVISION, February 11, 1979, Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, (MMP 170)

”Unity is the perfection of love.

And so Jesus has desired that his Church be one, to make of her the sacrament of God’s love for men.

Today my Immaculate Heart trembles and is anguished to see the division within the Church.

This division, which has penetrated the Church, is the third sign which indicates to you with certainty that the final moment of her painful purification has come.

If, in the course of the centuries, the Church has many times been torn by division which has led many of my children to separate themselves from her, I nevertheless obtained from Jesus the singular privilege of her interior unity.

But in these times, my Adversary has, with his smoke, succeeded in darkening even the light of this divine prerogative of the Church.

This interior division sometimes even leads priests to set themselves against priest, bishops against bishops, and cardinals against cardinals, for never before as in these times has Satan so succeeded in finding his way into their midst, rending asunder the precious bond of their mutual love.

Oh, Church, Mystical Body of my Jesus, in your painful journey to Calvary, you have reached the eleventh station, and you see yourself wrenched and torn in your members, which are again nailed to the Cross!

What must you do, my sons, apostles of my Immaculate and Sorrowful Heart?  You must become a hidden seed, ready even to die for the internal unity of the church.”

In many messages Our Lady went to the root of the causes of this division, of this risk of general apostasy.

YOUR HEAVIEST CROSS, July 9,1975, (MMP 74).

“This scandal will become even greater and more serious. You will be called upon to suffer more and more, because this veritable apostasy from the Gospel will one day become general in the Church, before the great liberating purification.”