To Hell in a Handbasket, Part VI

Spring-boarding to another Christian topic so near and dear to atheists and evolutionists is Noah’s Flood. The Christians are behaving like “The Village Idiot”. The atheists/evolutionists are standing on the sidelines watching the Christians play into their hands, making complete fools of themselves.
The trouble with buffoons is that like the Hunchback of Notre Dame (the original Charles Laughton 1939 version, not the Disney deal) the citizens (atheists/evolutionists) of the village at first just ignore the (Christian) idiot; then begin ridiculing him; progressing eventually to verbal and physical abuse; and finally expulsion from THEIR society. In the hunchback’s case, expulsed to the bell towers of Notre Dame.
Christians have become more than the village idiot. By our OWN words and actions, we have turned ourselves into multiple” villages of idiots”, and are being taunted and derided, again rightly so, by the atheists and evolutionists. How are we, in regards to Noah’s Flood, becoming our own worst enemy?
Let’s start with the “classic” children’s bathtub ark, which can barely float upright in standing water. What with the giraffe’s heads popping from the windows; the elephants with their trunks sticking out, waving an SOS; not to mention the monkeys scampering along the roof in a distressed fashion. Remember, this bathtub model is of our own Christian creation AND mindset! Now this is a picture which I’m sure instills Christian belief in that all-encompassing geotectonic, volcanic, and hydraulic cataclysm that was the single greatest geologic event in the entire history of the planet. I see the atheists just lining up begging to be baptized; OR are they ready to stone these Christian fools – as they run for sanctuary to the towers of the cathedral?
Now Conti, aren’t you being a bit harsh? This is the “children’s model” of the ark. Oh, I see. And you have that 24 x 36 inch poster of the REAL space shuttle blasting off the launch pad right alongside that cutesy little bathtub ark on your kid’s dresser. If I wasn’t a Christian, I’d consider throwing some rocks at you, too!
The clerics are not only useless – they are dangerous: fueling atheistic gasoline onto the fire of their own destruction, and that of their flocks. How so? Most religious teach that Noah’s Flood was some kind of local flood in the Mesopotamian river valley or a tranquil flood or simply another metaphor/allegory, i.e. myth/ fairytale in the Bible. They think they are being sooooo intellectual, forward-thinking and “scientific”. The atheists/evolutionists love this approach: Christian leaders in self-destruct mode and creating doubt throughout the congregations they pastor. They are literally doing the evolutionist’s work for them. Attention Roman Catholics with liberal pastors; ask him to show you the Papal encyclical, Papal Bull, or any writings from the College of Cardinals that states we are required to believe this tripe.
For you my reader, this section on The Flood may be perhaps the most important. The doubts about the very existence of God came not with the advent of Darwin’s book “On the Origin of the Species” in 1859, but many decades before it. Charley’s book lit the fuse of the bomb called Evolution. This bomb had been prepared by a number of other men prior to Darwin. The bomb’s explosive content was, and is, the millions of years of time that conjoins with the concept of evolution.
Yes, Time IS the magic factor which makes evolution “work”. Without those millennia you simply cannot have evolution. Example: I walk into a modern university science class and tell the prof and the students that I have a rock in my hand and that in four billion years I can turn it into a rocket scientist. They say they already know that. However, should I enter that same classroom and proclaim that I can turn that rock into a man in less than a day they will call the little men in the white coats. It is true that I can’t do that – but God did! “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life” Gen. 2:7. Now can you imagine if I had quoted from the Bible? They would have called the SWAT team on me and the HAZMAT team to sterilize the classroom of my words. Point is: Bible – 6000 years vs. Evolution – millions of years. They absolutely, positively MUST have the long ages for their magic to work. And you always thought “The Magic” was down in Orlando, Florida. Therefore Noah’s Flood, of 4400 years ago, MUST absolutely, positively be ridiculed and destroyed. Either the fossil layer (the “proof” of evolution) was formed by geologic processes over millions of years OR by the effects of The Deluge! It’s impossible for creatures to evolve in just 4400 years of time!!!!!!
Charles Lyell, remember Darwin’s mentor, was one of the last in a long line of individuals (prior to Darwin) who promoted the concept of long ages for the earth. The science of stratigraphy is the study of sedimentary layers found on over 70% of the earth’s surface. A huge exposed example is the beautiful colored strata of the Grand Canyon. On a nice Sunday drive in many parts of the world you will see sedimentary rock formations. In the U.S., many hillside cut- through are done by blasting crews to make for ease of road driving. Though jagged, you can still easily ascertain the individual layers.
The Father of Modern Geology and Stratigraphy, Nicolas Steno (1638-1686) was a Catholic who believed that these layers of hardened silt, sand and mud were deposited by the year-long Noah’s Flood of 4400 years ago. However, subsequent individuals questioned the veracity of this. They felt that each separate layer (some only millimeters thick) were deposited (STILL BY WATER) but very slooooowly in a uniform fashion (Uniformitarianism) over tens of thousands of years. Then another claimed over hundreds of thousands of years. With Lyell – millions of years. Lyell never attacked the Bible directly. But through his writings, “The Principles of Geology” (which Darwin took with him on his voyage to the Galapagos), placed serious doubt in the minds of Christians as to the accuracy of the Bible and The Flood God had sent to punish and destroy a wicked mankind.
Lyell was an atheist and wanted to undermine mankind’s faith in God and His book the Bible. Darwin said:
“Lyell is most firmly convinced that he has shaken the faith in the Deluge far more efficiently by never having said a word against the Bible than if he had acted otherwise. Darwin went on to say, “I have read lately ’Morley’s Life of Voltaire’, he insists that direct attacks on Christianity…produce little permanent effect: real good only seems to follow the slow and silent attacks”.
With Uniformitarianism, “the present is the key to the past”. Slow and gradual – tiny layers, millimeter by millimeter, built up, one upon the other. Sediment slowly laid down in ancient oceans and lakes, which subsequently had dried up; leaving behind the “evidence” of their millions of years in the making. In the case of the Grand Canyon after these sediments were laid down and the ancient oceans/lakes dried up, a remnant river, the Colorado began slowly and purposely grinding its way down through all that hardened sedimentary rock; now after millions of years, we find it a mile deep. Has a kind of archaic romantic ring to it. I almost can hear the NOVA philharmonic orchestral music in the background. One drop of water, one sand grain at a time, the Colorado cut its way downward through the Kaibab Formation, the Toroweap Formation, Coconino Sandstone, Hermit Shale, Supai Group, Redwall Limestone, Temple Butte Formation, Mauv Limestone, Bright Angel Shale, and the Tapeats Sandstone down to where the river runs today: Each of these layers containing multiple thousands of almost microscopic layering in some cases; a small amount of water over a looong period of time. Gee, I almost sound like one of our U.S. Government Park Rangers.
With both Creationists and evolutionists, we are looking at the SAME facts, i.e. the Grand Canyon and the Colorado River below. But, we INTERPRET those same facts differently! Could it possibly be the opposite? A LOT of water over a SHORT period of time – Noah’s Flood!
If Lyell, et al, are correct – then it’s not only the flood of Noah in question, but EVERY word of the Bible is now on trial. The majesty, power, authority, character, truth and even the very existence of God is challenged in the docket. If God’s very word, The Bible, is wrong regarding God’s own self accusation that He personally caused the largest global event in Earth history; “I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth” Gen. 6:7; then what else is God lying about? Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden, Moses and the parting of the Red Sea, Jonah being swallowed by the great fish, the Virgin birth? Dare we say Christ’s conquering death itself? Is the Bible using allegory or metaphor or fairytales or just lying to us?
Do we as Christians then just pick and choose what to believe and what to reject in God’s Book? If God IS God, the ultimate Supreme Being “who made Heaven and earth, the sea, and all that therein is” PSA 146:6; did God give us a faulty operator’s manual (The Bible) of how we are to live, or does He even exist? Maybe The Bible was written by just a bunch of ignorant fools who lived a long time ago; written to control the masses. Christians and their leaders are confused and in conflict with the very events that took place in earth history; we even CALL them “Bible Stories”- believing they were not actual historical occurrences. OF COURSE, the atheists look upon us as simpletons! AND THEY SHOULD!! As Karl Marx said, “Religion is the opium of the people”. This is the same guy who wrote the Thank You note to his friend Darwin for giving him the “scientific” support for his socialist thesis, “proving” to himself and others that Christianity is a fake.
(Deep announcer’s voice) Ok, are yooou reaaady to ruuumble? Let’s rock! – literally. Sedimentary rock is the mud, silt and sand laid down by water, whether you believe quickly over the year- long watery catastrophe or slowly over millions of years. When hardened, it forms the sandstone, limestone and shale (review GC formations above). All these hardened formations together consist of the geologic column (Cambrian, Jurassic, Triassic, etc.). Quick note – even all the layers at the Grand Canyon do not contain all the geologic column’s layers. As a matter of fact the entire geologic column, as seen in the text books, occurs nowhere on the earth! The geologic column in its entirety is found ONLY in the textbooks. Many of these layers, found at the Grand Canyon, extend for thousands of miles, in some cases, across continents. Well that about blows it for the local and/or tranquil flood liberal theology theory.
Noah! This is God – I want you to build this enormous barge at least 450 feet long x 75 feet wide x 45 feet high. Trust Me; you really don’t want it in cubits. You will bust your hump for many years. I want 3 decks/levels. There won’t be a vessel with this capacity until the late 1800’s. You will fill it with 2 of every animal I send you and enough food. Once you’re inside, I’ll close the door and send a local/tranquil flood.
God! This is Noah – How about my family and I just walk over the hill to where it will be dry. Animals always sense impending danger and they can run or fly over hills. Just give us enough warning. Sure would save me many long years of building a dumb boat for the local/tranquil flood you will be sending.
“And ALL flesh died that moved upon the earth, both of fowl, and of cattle, and of beast, and of EVERY creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth, and EVERY man: ALL in whose nostrils was the breath of life, of ALL that was in the dry land, died. And EVERY living substance was destroyed which was upon the face of the ground, both man, and cattle, and the creeping things, and the fowl of the heaven; and they were destroyed from the earth: Noah only remained alive, and they that were with him in the ark”. Gen. 7:21-23
Yep, sure sounds like a local/tranquil flood – NOT!! We will return to the ark later. We need to look at the devastating effects of the stony sedimentary graves created by this geo-cataclysmic event.
For all practical purposes there are very few examples of modern ongoing fossil formation. It happens, but nowhere near the scale of Noah’s, that really was, “of Biblical proportions”. I love it when the Lame Stream Media uses this term for modern tragedies, sooo loosely and inappropriately as an analogy to Biblical events they don’t believe ever occurred anyway. For example, when your goldfish dies, it goes belly up; and is rapidly devoured by the other scavenger fish in the tank. Whatever remains is dissolved by the bacteria and other organisms that feed on necrotic tissue; especially in an ocean environment where the predators perform their work efficiently. The remnants of the carcass then sink to the ocean bottom where the anaerobes consume what is left. There is NO time for the slooooow sediment to cover anything. Ever watch those remote submersibles silently cruising about in the depths around the Titanic. At first they were concerned about finding hundreds of skeletal remains from the passengers trapped on the sinking ship. There were none.
Pray tell Conti, how do fossils then form? Glad you asked: A lot of water over a short period of time. “Billions of dead things laid down by water all over the earth”- Ken Ham, Creationist. This IS the quick and the dead! Massive undersea eruptions of volcanism releasing lava and water, tectonic plate shifts causing quakes and tsunamis. The land masses literally being ripped apart. This is not your local little rain shower. The Sendai Japanese undersea quake and tsunami was a burp compared to the global hydraulic cataclysm of Noah.
“The same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened”. Gen. 7:11
We didn’t even know there were volcanoes and hot thermal vents (fountains of the deep) at the bottom of the oceans until the ‘60’s. Ever see a map of the world without water. Check out the Mid Atlantic Ridge (Google it) and others in the Pacific and Indian Oceans – the ring of fire! All this blew in ONE day – “In the second month, the seventeenth day of the month” Gen. 7:11 sending geysers of water shooting miles into the atmosphere and then coming down in torrential storms. WOW. For how long? “And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights”. Gen. 7:12
Gigantic undersea land/mudslides of Biblical proportions – really! Check out the Hudson Submarine Canyon, just off the coast, by New York City. This makes the Grand Canyon look like a pothole. It’s over 400 miles long and over two miles deep! Literally billions of fish, clams and other marine life were overwhelmed and INSTANTLY buried by these colossal submarine mudslides. We have found fish fossilized in the act of partly swallowing their prey. Not one moment available to even consume their McFillet Sandwich! And other fish “frozen” in the act of giving birth with the baby fry partially out of the birth canal. Even fragile fish scales and delicate jellyfish are preserved in the now fossilized rock. The slow and gradual sedimentation conceit – just doesn’t cut it!
Gee whiz Conti, how did we find all these billions of fossil fish, clams, etc. deep in the oceans? We didn’t! They were conveniently excavated at geologic digs on dry land, on plateaus, and on mountains. HUH?? Check out Psalm 104:6-8 “After the waters covered the mountains, God rebuked them and they fled; the mountains rose, the valleys sank down and God set a boundary so that they will never again cover the earth”. Now you know how the whale got up there, and the clams on the top of Mount Everest – the mountains were originally under water! That’s some impressive geo-tectonic action going on; all in 371 days from the time Noah entered until he and his family and the animals left the ark onto dry ground.
P.S. Those little Al Gores’ out there, who believe in the coming destruction of Mother Gaia from the evil parasite that is man and his global warming – the ice caps are NOT going to melt, and drown the polar bears, and flood all the coastal cities of the world. And why not? To restate, “God set a boundary so that they will never again cover the earth”.


Gene Conti, MD

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