To Hell in a Handbasket, Part IV

What does genetics, mutation and natural selection (The Force, Gaia, Eywa) have to do with all the problems in the world Conti? To this may I add what does Geology, Sociology, Astronomy, Psychology, Anthropology – name your science – have to do with right and wrong? Again, EVERYTHING!!
Either the God of the Bible created all the physical laws and entities that the universe abides by or He didn’t – period. All sciences are based on facts. The facts for a creationist and evolutionist are the same facts. It’s the INTERPRETATION of those facts that is different, and hence one’s world view (Creation/God-based or evolution/blind chance-based) is subsequently formed depending on which set of facts you adhere to. That is why we are briefly reviewing the various scientific fields. The modern worldview of the sciences interprets the facts to favor evolution. My goal is to present to you a creationist interpretation of those SAME facts. I report, you decide, to paraphrase a national news agency tag line.
If everything in this universe is here by blind random chance, then you are answerable to no one but yourself; there is no absolute right and wrong. BUT, if evolution is just a hoax and the evidence weighs against it, then ALL the sciences should also support a creationist position and repudiate an evolutionary based one. Reject the Ten Commandments then at your own peril.
All the scientific evidence should conclude with creation over evolution. If even one of the sciences supports fully and unequivocally evolution, then there can be no omnipotent, omniscience God of the Bible. Point is, if the God of the Bible is the great “I Am”, this should be reflected in EVERY scientific discipline, and the weight of evidence should be overwhelming. Hang with me – it is!
Remember if evolution is true, when you die you go back to nothing but worm food. You don’t have to worry about a heaven or hell, reward or retribution. That is what makes evolution so attractive. This is all there is, get the most you can, while you can, anyway you can. “Do unto others BEFORE they do unto you”, the atheistic evolutionary perverted Golden rule.
This is exactly why you can have a Roman Catholic priest be a pedophile. There is no way he can believe in God. He can state on the pulpit that he does, but he doesn’t. I respect avowed atheists more, at least they are honest as to their belief in God – they don’t! Standing in a garage saying you are car doesn’t make you a car, anymore than standing on the pulpit in a church saying you are a Catholic doesn’t make you a Catholic. A priest involved in pederasty has to believe in evolution to a large degree. If he truly believed in the God of all Creation and that He has every hair on our heads counted, aware of the sparrow that falls, given every star a name – there is NO way he could perform such vile acts. And remember this is a priest that has taken religious vows. Do we really need then to explain the acts (and legislation) of various seedy congressmen, senators, international bankers, Supreme court justices, the Federal Reserve and your next door neighbor or co-worker as to why they act the way they do against God and His laws?
How about the ACLU and its relentless attack on Christians and Christmas? Nativity scenes are a favorite appetizer for them. THINK! If evolution is true, then these atheists are correct in asking for the removal of anything related to religion or God – since He really doesn’t exist. Kind of like Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy. They really are all in the same category of nonsensical characters. Nature (the Force, Gaia, Eywa) is all there is. Sorry, I just can’t help myself. The universe created itself from nothing (blind random chance). “In the beginning hydrogen….” posited Harold Shapley, evolutionist and long time head of the Harvard University Observatory.

“Christianity has fought, still fights, and will fight science to the desperate end over evolution, because evolution destroys utterly and finally the very reason Jesus’ earthly life was supposedly made necessary. Destroy Adam and Eve and the original sin, and in the rubble you will find the sorry remains of the son of god. Take away the meaning of his death. If Jesus was not the redeemer who died for our sins and this is what evolution means, then Christianity is nothing!” – G. Richard Bozarth, “The Meaning of Evolution,” American Atheist, February 1978, pp. 19 30

Reflect on this statement for a moment. This is crucial. Why is it that “educated” atheists understand the challenge of Christianity vs. evolution infinitely better than some of our theologians who advise the Pope? Notice I wrote “versus” and not “and.” This is the way Bozarth and the atheists see it oh so clearly. The Christians (theologians included) are running around trying to amalgamate the two in some way. They don’t mesh; they don’t blend; they don’t dovetail; they don’t complement each other. Bozarth is right, it is a fight; it is a war: A struggle for the mind and soul of man. Ideas do have consequences. Yes, the pen IS mightier than the sword.
Notice that Bozarth stabs right at the heart of the issue – Adam and Eve and Jesus. This is the absolute crux of Christianity – and he knows it; and most of our esteemed theologians (forget the average priest or nun) are totally oblivious.
First and foremost is the supposed “millions of years” concept. This will be addressed and demolished in a subsequent installment. You will agree that IF the entire universe and earth is only about 6000 or so years old (as per the Bible) there is no way evolution could take place in so short a span of time; from the supposed Big Bang to the formation of galaxies to our solar system to present day life forms. Therefore the millions and billions of years is an ABSOLUTE pre-requisite for evolution to have occurred.
If “millions of years” really did exist, then you would have millions of years of time for the slow and literally painful process of evolution to occur. The ever upward and onward process of death and bloodshed, “nature red in tooth and claw” adopted by many an evolutionist from a poem by Alfred Lord Tennyson; and “The Selfish Gene” by atheist Christian basher Richard Dawkins; also remember Carl Sagan, “Cosmos” and countless other evolutionists. As organisms compete and struggle for superiority ever upward from unicellular to multi-cellular life, to invertebrates to the fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals, hominids and then man. Give man a name, Adam should do.
Fossils were formerly living things. Look at these fossil layers, what do they represent: Layer upon layer of death, ever upward as we climb the geologic column. STOP!! The Bible is very clear that there was NO death, bloodshed or disease BEFORE Adam. Either the fossil layer represents the supposed “millions of years” of progressive evolution and death of enumerable trillions of organisms before man (Adam) evolved OR it represents punishment for sin; God’s instrument – Noah’s Flood, around 4400 years ago. The fossil layers formed as a result of the flood. Death (caused by the flood) therefore occurred as a punishment for sin, not the result of millions of years of supposed naturally occurring causes. Again, we will reveal evidence of this worldwide hydraulic cataclysmic upheaval in a future installment.
Bozarth is right! If there were these millions of years of layers representing death before man evolved – why would you need a Savior? THINK! What would one need to be saved FROM, if there has ALWAYS been death since the world began “millions of years” ago? Supposedly Jesus came to earth to save us from sin and death; but for what?? He had some spare time after creating us or tinkering with our evolution (theistic evolution), so He decided to return to earth to be humiliated, tortured and killed in a grisly fashion? Bozarth asks for what reason He came – and rightly so.
Definition of sin is rebellion against God. If the entire Cosmos and all it contains are here by blind random chance, obviously there can’t BE a God, i.e. therefore no sin. Sin is exclusively a religious concept. How can you accuse anyone of sinning if not using a religious (Judeo-Christian) context to do so? Under evolution how can you possibly judge anyone of a sin? Therefore anything is allowed – except Christianity (which judges peoples actions based on a religious/Creationist context.) And death has been around for “millions of years”, UNLESS there really was an Adam and Eve (@6000ya) who did commit the first sin (disobeying God by eating the forbidden fruit) and the punishment was death. In old Hebrew, “die” translates to
“In dying you will die”, since Adam and Eve didn’t die immediately after God’s judgment on them.
That is why you see “tolerance” pushed into every aspect of society. Anything goes, anything is permitted – except judgmental Christianity of course. We use phrases such as a “post modern society” and “no longer a Christian nation”, but we don’t know why. We are an evolution, or should I say “evil-ution” based culture now. Easily 90% of the problems we read or see on the news are directly or indirectly evolution related. Even the lame stream media themselves are lying to us. I’m sorry. I apologize. Since we are an evolution based society, how can there be such a thing as a “lie”? THINK! If evolution is true, lies are only abstract concepts. What is the definition of “is”, President Clinton? I only speak and act (ex. destroying someone’s character) that benefit me and to my advantage. “Survival of the fittest” baby!
This is clear heresy for a Catholic or any Christian to hold to the evolutionary position of “millions of years,” which by definition MUST represent millions of years of death before Adam evolved. Actually Adam was created ex nihilo (out of nothing) by Almighty God. Pssst. The female of the species, Eve, would have had to evolve at the same time and location as the male. That’s one real tall evolutionary order; and they are wired differently of course. Again ,verify this with spouse. That’s a big DUH !!!!!!! I’ll bet anyone 10:1 odds that if you run this by your local priest, nun, minister or deacon the answer they give you will be so convoluted as to be incomprehensible. I suggest you audiotape their response and see if you can unravel it into logical English. Better yet, they will probably tell you that Adam and Eve were metaphor or allegory; a simple literary device. Yep, that solves the problem of our need for a Savior. Would you send your son to die for a fairy tale because that is what allegory and metaphor translates to in effect. So God sent His only Son to die for a fairy tale. Brilliant! Just brilliant! And you wonder why atheists like Bozarth look upon us as fools.
Gene Conti, MD

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